The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1360 Train people up 1 set 1 set

Chapter 1360 Train people in a set

I didn't expect to be "reversely cared" by children at this age. I don't know whether to be happy or keep silent.

Yu Jinxiao has recovered to a point of failure, but in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, Baba still needs a good rest!
arrive home.

Xiao Zai Zai has to fetch water, food, and even move out his precious snacks.

Looking at the box, Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Why do you seem to be missing a lot of snacks?"

Speaking of this, the sadness in Xiao Zai Zai's heart was suddenly aroused, and his small mouth pouted aggrievedly: "It's all because of that villain fish octopus! Yuan Yuan packed a lot of snacks that day, and wanted to bring them to Uncle Gao, but none of them... Lah! They're all submerged in the water!"

The little guy wagging his head looks sad.

Yu Jinxiao showed no extra expressions, but took out his mobile phone and secretly sent a text message to He Shuxuan.

When receiving this text message, He Shuxuan was in a daze.

A series of snacks, with detailed names listed.

He looked uncertainly at the person who sent the message again, it was Mr. Yu who was right!
Does Mr. Yu actually like to eat such snacks? ? ?

He Shuxuan didn't dare to ask extra questions, obediently followed the list to complete the list of snacks given by Mr. Yu.

Only two days after returning home, Yu Jinxiao felt that he had fully recovered and planned to go to the company.

But when he went downstairs, he saw a blocker squatting on the steps... oh no, blocker.

Seeing him coming down the stairs, Yu Yuanyuan stood up suddenly, and Yuan Qiuqiu put her hands on her hips: "Baba~ Brother Doctor said, you should take a good rest when you go home!"

"I'm ready, the company still has a lot of things to deal with." Yu Jinxiao changed his clothes and put his suit on his arm. He already had the momentum to go, but when Yu Yuanyuan interfered, his momentum was blown away. Reduced some.

"Then...then take another day off!" Yu Zaizai raised his round hand and tried to raise his index finger for emphasis.

However, he has already changed his clothes, if he doesn't go here... he always feels as if he lost to this little glutinous rice ball!
"Mr. Yu, Director Xie is here, he's outside." Uncle Yang hurried to the stairs and said.

Xie Xin?

Yu Jinxiao had almost guessed why he came.

They must have known about the accident between him and Yu Yuanyuan, and they used the name of caring to see if the filming could proceed smoothly.

I'm afraid it was Yu Cangnan's first-hand information!
Two days ago, Yu Cangnan and Yu Qingqian brought their whole family to see him, but Xie Xin came to him today.

"Uncle Xie?" Xiao Zai Zai turned around, his back full of doubts.

"Please come in." Yu Jinxiao was just in need of something to interrupt Xiao Zai Zai's attention.

Otherwise, this little glutinous rice ball will definitely stare at him and not allow him to go to the company.

As soon as Xie Xin entered the room, he saw two father and daughter who were in good health and had everything they needed, with sincere smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Yu, Yuanyuan!"

"Thank you uncle!"

Uncle Yang brought two cups of coffee, and just about to put them down, Xiao Zai Zai protested in a milky voice: "Baba shouldn't drink coffee ashes!"

Before Yu Jinxiao arrived, he was in a hurry to take it, the little round hand blocked the handle of the cup: "Why?"

"Mama said that drinking too much coffee ash is not good for your health. You have to take good care of your health now." Three-year-old Zai Zai trained people in a set way, and he didn't know who he learned from. .

Yu Jinxiao couldn't get around that little round hand, and was forced to compromise: "Then what should I drink?"

"Drink plain water~~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Uncle Yang really brought a glass of white water.

Xie Xin wanted to laugh as he watched from the sidelines. He didn't expect Mr. Yu's family status to change after such an accident.

Yu Jinxiao, who was forced to drink plain water, looked sideways, and saw that there was colored liquid in the cup in Xiao Zaizai's hand: "Yu Yuanyuan, you drink fruit juice, let me drink plain water???"

(End of this chapter)

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