The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1361 The identity must be disclosed in a way that attracts everyone's attention

Chapter 1361 The identity must be disclosed in a way that attracts everyone's attention
"Drinking plain water is good for your health~" Xiao Zai Zai was confident, and drank most of the juice, "Baba, you have to be good~ Be obedient~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

He felt that his IQ had been lowered to the same level as Xiao Zai Zai, and he was successfully defeated by her.

"Director Xie, you came here today, probably because you have something special to do?" Yu Jinxiao had to change the subject.

Xie Xin murmured for a moment, then smiled and said, "I actually wanted to go to the hospital to see Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan. Something so serious happened, I..."

"I'm afraid that the filming of the show will not start smoothly." Yu Jinxiao interrupted Xie Xin's words and filled in the last half of the sentence.

"No, no, that's not what I meant!!" Xie Xin hurriedly waved his hands, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"You are the director, there is nothing wrong with worrying about your own program," Yu Jinxiao signaled him not to be nervous, "What do you want to know today? Yuanyuan's situation?"

After puffing and drinking the juice, Xiao Zai Zai squinted his eyes in satisfaction, like a cute smiling cat.

Eating and drinking can't be distracting, but when the juice is finished, her little cub will show up.

Yu Yuanyuan put the cup down and squeezed between Baba and Xie Xin: "Uncle Xie, talk to Yuanyuan if you have anything! Baba still needs to rest, don't be too tired!"

These words made Yu Jinxiao and Xie Xin stunned.

It’s incredible!
Is this something a three-year-old would say?Xie Xin thought about it carefully and felt like crying.

Although she is young, it does not prevent her from expressing her affection and concern for her family.

"Okay, then Uncle Xie will talk to Yuanyuan!" Xie Xin glanced at Yu Jinxiao secretly, seeing that he didn't stop him, he simply squatted down and talked to Yu Yuanyuan face to face.

Xiao Zaizai felt a serious atmosphere, and straightened his back, imitating the seriousness of adults when talking about things.

"I heard Cang Nan... oh, it's Yuanyuan's second uncle who said that Yuanyuan is actually Mr. Yu's biological daughter," Xie Xin stopped beating around the bush. For a person like Yu Jinxiao, every minute and every second is precious. "Mr. Yu, have you thought about how to disclose Yuanyuan's identity?"

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to speak, the little milk voice jumped ahead.

"Uncle Xie, you are talking with Yuanyuan~talking with Yuanyuan~" Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw to emphasize, and tried to block Xie Xin's view of Yu Jinxiao.

"Yes, yes, Uncle Xie forgot, has Yuanyuan thought about how to make it public?" Xie Xin coaxed with a smile and a gentle tone.

Yu Yuanyuan frowned, thinking seriously: "Just...just tell everyone! Say Yuanyuan is her own baby, not a wild baby!"

In the hearts of the children, just to announce a fact, why it seems to be complicated, can't it be simpler?

"How about announcing it on the show?" Xie Xin asked hesitantly.

Little Zaizai hardly thought about it, and nodded loudly: "Okay, okay!"

Yu Jinxiao didn't want to interfere at first, and he was also curious about what Yu Yuanyuan and Xie Xin would talk about. Originally, that little glutinous rice ball had a lot of ideas, and sometimes it was quite interesting.

But hearing her agree to it like this, it seems that this is not the effect he envisioned at the beginning.

Yu Jinxiao's original intention was to hold a press conference, invite all well-known media, and then conduct a live broadcast on the entire network, announcing with the greatest momentum that Yu Yuanyuan is his biological daughter.

Yu Jinxiao's daughter must disclose her identity in a way that attracts everyone's attention.

But if it is changed in the program, it seems that the effect he wants will be lost...

"Yu Yuanyuan..." Yu Jinxiao felt that he had to interfere now, but as soon as he yelled three words, the little boy turned his head roundly.

The hurt little eyes made Yu Jinxiao shut up immediately, as if he had ruined the kid's face.

Obviously just acquiescing to let her talk, how can Baba say that he is nervous?
 Tomorrow, from February 2th to February 24th, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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