The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1362 Serious little friends are the most difficult to deal with

Chapter 1362 Serious little friends are the most difficult to deal with
"Actually, in the last episode of the program, I plan to invite all the family members of the children to participate in the recording," Xie Xin said of his plan, "In the recording schedule that Mr. Yu has seen, it is only written that this episode requires the participation of parents, but intention is to involve the entire family of the children."

"Really?" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes lit up when she heard it, "Can brother participate?"


"Where's the second brother?"


"Pull out?"

"of course can!"

"Then... Mama!"

Xie Xin suddenly fell silent.

He knew more or less about He Yitong and Yi Yuzhang, but he still didn't know how many bad things Yi Yuzhang had done. Right now, the grievances between Yi Yuzhang and Yu Jinxiao are under closed investigation and will not be announced to the public. I can't disclose much information to the media, and now the real situation is not known much on the Internet, and it has not attracted attention for the time being.

Xie Xin naturally didn't know.

"If she is willing to participate... no one is welcome!" Xie Xin used a very conservative statement.

After all, He Yitong and Yu Jinxiao have divorced, and Xie Xin is still not sure what their relationship is now, and even Yu Cangnan has no reliable information to disclose.

In this case, he decided to appease the children first.

If He Yitong could really be invited, that would be a big deal. It was the first time Yu Jinxiao was in the same frame as his ex-wife in public, and it was also the first time He Yitong appeared on a variety show!

As far as the show is concerned, it will definitely explode in popularity and arouse everyone's strong attention.

It's not that Xie Xin is overconfident in his shows, but that he has filmed so many shows, he knows exactly what kind of situation can arouse topics and heat.

Just the fact that Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong publicly appeared on the same variety show again could attract countless viewers.

"Wow wow wow, that's great! It would be great if we could film a show with Ma Ma!" Hearing Xie Xin's words, Xiao Zai Zai seemed to have tacitly agreed that He Yitong would go, waving his paws excitedly.

Xie Xin had an intuition that if Yu Yuanyuan came forward, maybe the scene he hoped for would really come true!
"Yuanyuan, you haven't asked your mother's opinion yet. She is filming, so she may not be free." Yu Jinxiao couldn't help it, and interjected weakly from behind.

His tone didn't sound like an order that adults are used to, but more like he was discussing with a child.

Xie Xin and Yu Jinxiao have been in contact all the way, and they are the ones who have felt his changes the most.

From being indifferent and alienated at the beginning, to gradually accepting all kinds of excitement and friendliness brought by Xiao Zai Zai, she began to learn to get along with children in harmony and respect her ideas...

Every time this happened, Xie Xin would love his job even more.

He hopes that his program is not just a program to provide people with jokes, but also to accompany children and parents to grow up together, so that more people can realize how to communicate and get along with children.

"Ah duck," Xiao Zaizai suddenly realized, and weakly tugged at the hem of his clothes, "Then thank you Susu... Yuanyuan has to ask Mama to answer you~"

"It doesn't matter, this is the content of the next episode." Xie Xin touched that little head with a smile, and asked again, "Then the penultimate episode will be filmed next week, has Yuanyuan contacted brother Shen Ji? ?”

"Ah? We're shooting next week?" Yu Yuanyuan's body trembled when she heard this, "But... Baba still needs Yuanyuan's care!"

Xie Xin: "..."

In other words of refusal, God Xie Xin came to kill God, Buddha blocked and killed Buddha, and swore to the death to ensure the smooth progress of the filming!
However, Yu Yuanyuan's words made him stunned on the spot, and even his head went blank, not knowing how to deal with it.

Serious little friends are the most difficult to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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