The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1363 Your 2-day 0 spend is gone

Chapter 1363 Your 2-day pocket money is gone

"I'm already well, I don't need your care." Yu Jinxiao couldn't help reminding again.

He wanted to go to the company today, if Xie Xin hadn't appeared, maybe he would already be sitting on the chair in the office by now.

No matter what, he will find a way to fool this little glutinous rice ball.

"Brother Doctor said that Ba Ba should take a good rest!" Hearing this, Xiao Zai Zai turned his head in surprise, and looked at the adult on the other side of the sofa in surprise.

Yu Jinxiao even saw the hidden meaning of "how can you be disobedient" from that little look.

Does this little cub look like he's taking care of her?
"Even if it's a good rest, it won't last until next week," Yu Jinxiao folded his hands in his arms and leaned back, "I want to work, and you...have a contract with Uncle Xie and don't make a good filming of the show, yes Pay liquidated damages."

Xie Xin just wanted to wave his hand and say no, no, no.

Between Yu Jinxiao and Yu Jinxiao, is it a matter of liquidated damages?
At the beginning, it was Yu Cangnan who was kind enough to hook up, and Xie Xin didn't want to have an unpleasant quarrel with Yu Jinxiao just because of liquidated damages.

When the little cub who was originally chirping and croaking heard the liquidated damages, his small body suddenly became quiet.

She thought about it silently for a long time, and finally asked: "What is lotus leaf chicken?"

"Yes, breach! Promise! Gold!" Yu Jinxiao was impatient, emphasizing every word, "If it weren't for you not going to shoot, Uncle Xie and a large group of staff would not be able to shoot the show, and the show wouldn't start on time, so you'd have to Pay Uncle Xie a lot of money."

" much is that?" Xiao Zai Zai had already buried his head and counted his fingers.

The standard of comparison is obviously her pocket money.

Xie Xin originally wanted to say something nice, but when he raised his head, he saw something reminding from Yu Jinxiao's eyes.

Those seemingly cold eyes clearly hinted at him——

If you want Xiao Zai Zai to film a show, you have to cooperate well!If you can't cooperate, keep quiet!
In order not to interrupt Yu Jinxiao's plan, Xie Xin resolutely closed his mouth like a zipper.

"2000 million," Yu Jinxiao smiled slightly, "Do you know how much 2000 million is?"

"No...don't babble!" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes started to daze.

Not sure how much, but it sounds like a lot!
She knows the unit, so it sounds like a lot!

"It means that your pocket money of 2 days is gone."

Twenty thousand... days? ?
Yu Yuanyuan is a master at arithmetic now, but with too many units, she will inevitably feel dizzy.

She counted several times with her fingers, and every time she reached a thousand, she started to make mistakes. After counting several times in a row, Yu Yuanyuan gave up.

You don't need to do the calculations to know that if she doesn't go, the liquidated damages will be so high that she won't be able to afford snacks in the future!

"Then...then Yuanyuan should go to the show," Yu Zaizai was forced to compromise for future pocket money and snacks, "Then if Baba wants Yuanyuan, remember to call Yuanyuan!"

"Well, feel free to take pictures." Yu Jinxiao nodded in agreement with a serious expression.

Only when this little cub is busy, will he not be guarded on the stairs every day to prevent him from going out.

If this continues, the company's affairs will pile up like a mountain.

Now that Gao Zhou is recuperating, there are many things that no one can do for him, and Yu Jinxiao is not at ease that all matters, large and small, will be left to others to make decisions.

For many cooperation projects with high amounts of money, he has to personally check them before he can rest assured.

"I don't know if there will be bad money?" Yu Zaizai agreed to go to the shoot next week, then bit his hands and began to think about another question.

bad guy? !
Yu Jinxiao's head boomed, and his heart started beating wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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