The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1376 Yuanyuan gestures, let me guess

Chapter 1376 Yuanyuan gestures, let me guess
"We will give nouns and a picture, so children should be able to understand it," the host said with a bad smile, "If you don't understand, then... choose One question! Each child has two chances to choose the next question."

After listening to what the host said, Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened.

What nouns, what pictures, what words... what gestures?
What and what?

When Shen Ji saw Yu Yuanyuan's expression, he knew that she had fallen into chaos.

Not only her, but also Su Zhirui's team.

The older Sun Chengyu, Qiu Yang and Ling Zi have already started practicing with their friends, while Su Zhirui, Jiang Tian and Yu Yuanyuan are still trying to digest the rules of the game.

Shen Ji saw the confusion of the three children, and beckoned them to move closer.

Su Zhirui, who had no idea, could only be obedient, and surrounded Jiang Tian hand in hand like a little wooden man.

"The rules are actually very simple. We can understand them after practicing twice. Don't be nervous." Shen Ji's voice seemed to be able to soothe the anxiety and helplessness in his heart, and that gentleness seemed to have the most powerful calming effect.

Su Zhirui glanced at Yu Yuanyuan uncertainly, and found that the confused little boy had regained his energy, and shook his head vigorously after Shen Ji finished speaking.

Shen Ji patiently led Yu Yuanyuan, Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian to play for a few rounds, and the three little friends who were still in a daze just now understood the rules.

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan will want to make gestures later!" Yu Zaizai has already entered the excited state of playing the game in advance, holding up his claws and waving to make a show, "Although Yuanyuan can't read, she can count, and you can also read Pictures!"

Yuanyuan can't read, but he does!

You can't speak while gesticulating, you can only use actions to interpret, even if he knows how to read, Yuanyuan has to guess what he gesticulates.

For example, if there is a watermelon in the picture and the words in the phrase are two characters, then they can guess that the answer is watermelon.

Obviously he can read and write, so he can make gestures, Yuanyuan guess...etc.

Both "gesturing" and "guessing" are very important links. He can only complete one link by himself, and he has to rely on Yuanyuan for the other link.

Only then did Shen Ji realize that he had thought everything too beautifully.

Su Zhirui's team has been arranged, and Shen Ji thinks that there is no big problem between him and Yuanyuan's team.

If the rules of the game are described in words, it will be cumbersome, but if you practice directly, you can let children master the game method faster.

Shen Ji: "..." Do you really want to do this?

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's eager little expression, Shen Ji smiled and agreed: "Okay, Yuanyuan gestures, and I'll guess."

Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian have limited literacy, so they can only guess the answer based on the number of words in the pictures and phrases.

Yuanyuan nodded, and Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian also nodded blindly.

Now... the most troublesome thing should be recognizing words.

I don't know how to read, but they can still count how many words there are in the answer.

"Yuanyuan will work hard!" Xiao Zai Zai raised his little Yuan hand to cheer.

The host determined the "gesturing" person and the "guessing" person for each group. He was also a little surprised when he heard that Yu Yuanyuan's group was guessed by Shen Ji, and repeatedly confirmed the opinions of Shen Ji and Yu Yuanyuan several times.

Xiao Zai Zai didn't realize that it was his doubts about his ability to draw, and he turned his head stupidly to see Shen Ji's brother's face.

"I believe in Yuanyuan, she is very powerful and smart." Shen Ji did not change his mind, and firmly confirmed the arrangement they had discussed.

(End of this chapter)

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