The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1377 Cute Claws

Chapter 1377 Cute Claws
Someone suddenly praised him, Xiao Zai Zai giggled embarrassedly, and did not forget to go to the game area to get ready.

The feeling when I was making gestures with Brother Shen Ji off the court was completely different from what it is now.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was full of confidence just a second ago, suddenly became a little nervous.

What if she can't figure it out?Wouldn't that implicate brother Shen Ji in losing?
Thinking of winning or losing, the excited Zaizai turned into nervous Zaizai, pinched his fingers and began to shake from side to side, so nervous that he couldn't stand still.

Shen Ji knew what was going on when he saw Yuanyuan's movements, adjusted the microphone and stepped forward: "Yuanyuan, don't be nervous, this is a game! Let's play the game happily, shall we?"

"In case... in case we lose..."

"It's okay, there will be a lot of games later, I'll accompany Yuanyuan to win it back! OK?"

"Okay... okay!" Xiao Zai Zai stammered and echoed.

Nervous is nervous, but with brother Shen Ji's words, Xiao Zai Zai is not as flustered as before.

She took a deep breath, but forgot to exhale, holding her little face like a ball.

After a simple punching, Yu Yuanyuan became the first to appear on the stage, and "General Chang Loser" Qiu Yang became the second.

Shen Ji stood in front of a huge display screen, and Xiao Zai Zai stood opposite him.

Numbers appeared on the display, and the countdown to 3, 2, 1 began.

Only then did Xiao Zai Zai remember to breathe, and quickly spit it out again.

With a ding dong, a picture and two words appeared on the screen.

ah!I know this Yuanyuan!
Xiao Zai Zai was almost so excited that he jumped up.

It was a picture of a kitten, and there were two characters underneath...but Yu Yuanyuan didn't recognize any of them.

Two should be a cat?

This is something he knows, Xiao Zaizai is full of confidence, and excitedly draws two ears on his head, and then spreads his fleshy little fingers to draw cat whiskers on his face in the way of a kindergarten teacher.

Shen Ji carefully watched Yuanyuan's first round of performance, and asked patiently, "Yuanyuan, how many words are there? Can you count them?"

When Xiao Zai Zai heard it, he realized that he had forgotten to tell Shen Ji the number of words in the phrase, and immediately raised his claws to make a round "2".

"Cat." Shen Ji replied quickly.

"Ding dong! The answer is correct."

The answer was correct so quickly that Yu Yuanyuan was still holding up those chubby fingers in a daze.

Some people in the auditorium were already sighing in low voices about the cute claws of Xiao Zai Zai.

The round "2" can also be read as "Yeah"!
Some people have even made up their minds to use that cute "2" screenshot as an emoji when the show airs.

"Wow, Yuanyuan is amazing," the host couldn't help discussing, "Does Yuanyuan know those two words?"

For a three-year-old little friend, it would be nice to be able to count the words, but Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji answered too quickly, which made her a little unbelievable.

"I don't know, but Yuanyuan knows it's Miaomi!" Xiao Zaizai said logically, chirping about the inner activity just now, "Those are two words, it shouldn't be Miao Miao or Mimi, if they are the same Words, they should look the same! Yuanyuan guesses it’s a cat! When I was in kindergarten, the teacher taught me how to act meow~~~”

"Wow, Yuanyuan, you are so amazing!" Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian cast adoring eyes, and the eyes were full of shining stars.

(End of this chapter)

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