The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1384 Isn't this really cheating? ?

Chapter 1384 Isn't this really cheating? ?

In Yu Yuanyuan's eyes, the U is concave, the F looks like a comb, and the O is of course round!
Did the second brother make a mistake, or did the program crew make a mistake?
It's obviously a flying saucer, but why did it turn into a concave comb?

Xiao Zaizai shook his head, put aside his messy thoughts, and decided to act according to Shen Ji's words.

Although she doesn't know those three words, but... it seems that it is not impossible to perform.

Xiao Zai Zai suddenly lay down on the ground, bent his body, stretched his arms and legs, and posed in a U.

Lin Liran whispered beside him: "Well, a magnet.

Aren't the magnets in cartoons all in this shape?

F also couldn't trouble Xiao Zai Zai, she turned her body sideways, overlapped her hands, and stretched her feet straight.

It's a standard F!

Lin Liran whispered again: "Well, a sleeping puppy."

In the end there is only one circle left...

How simple it is!

Xiao Zai Zai didn't even need to make gestures, he pointed at himself with his claws and showed a bright smile.

Lin Liran twitched his lips: "No way, can you guess this?"

The U, F, and O gestures are all finished, and everyone is sweating for Xiao Zai Zai.

Although she drew U and F with her body gestures, Shen Ji didn't know that it was the shape of the font. What if he thought it was an intentional performance?

Especially the last O, Yu Yuanyuan only pointed at herself, can you guess this?

Shen Ji didn't answer right away, after carefully recalling Xiao Zai Zai's performance, he carefully listed a row of answers in his heart.

The final screening and selection determined a final answer!
"The answer is UFO!"

"Wow!" Crazy applause broke out again because of Shen Ji's answer.

In Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji's group, all five questions were correct, and the pressure was put on the next team.

"Wow, Brother Shen Ji, you are so powerful!" The little cub ran all the way, rushing to the opposite side and pounced on Shen Ji.

When Shen Ji hugged Yuanyuan with a smile, everyone in the audience looked envious.

Yuanyuan looks so soft, they really want to hug her!

"Yuanyuan is amazing, I can only guess because Yuanyuan is good at gestures." Shen Ji rubbed his little head and gave all the credit to Xiao Zaizai.

"I want to know, how did Shen Ji guess the UFO in the end?" The host was as curious as the audience.

Especially when she talked about Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji recently, the two kids didn't cheat or make unnecessary little tricks throughout the whole process, they were really serious about playing the game.

As for the last question, it is really very difficult.

"Yuanyuan lying on the ground was the first one to put out U, the second one was F, and the last one pointed at herself, which was Yuan. Yuanyuan said that O has always been regarded as 'Yuan'." Shen Ji's words made people The host's little heart was thumping.

"But, isn't it a flying saucer? Why is it a concave comb?" Leaning in Shen Ji's arms, Xiao Zai Zai couldn't help asking his own questions.

This question has troubled her for a long time in the gesture just now!
"Concave comb round?" Shen Ji couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips into a smile when he heard it, "Yuanyuan, this is an alphabet, it's called UFO, which also means flying saucer."

"Ah, so it's Jiang Zi!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized.

Lin Liran looked at the pair in disbelief.

The little cub who was in charge of making gestures couldn't even get the answer right, and even had a concave comb, so Shen Ji could guess it! !

Isn't this really cheating? ?

His brain was extremely shaken, and even now he was already tense.

Because, the next group is him and Qiu Yang. If they lose, wouldn't they be inferior to this three-year-old child!

(End of this chapter)

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