The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1385 You Can't Even Match Yu Yuanyuan

Chapter 1385 You Can't Even Match Yu Yuanyuan

Xiao Zai Zai and Shen Ji, who had finished the game, stood by and watched the next group.

Little Zaizai would get tired after standing for a long time, Shen Ji held her, and she leaned on Shen Ji's shoulder, tilting her head to look.

Probably because the pressure from the complete victory in the previous group was too great, Lin Liran was very nervous, he was in charge of gestures, and Qiu Yang was in charge of guessing.

But every time the topic came up, he was in a daze, and the picture that he imagined off the court did not happen at all.

At the end of the game, they answered two questions correctly.

It is still the first and second steps at the beginning, and the difficulty is also the easiest.

"It's unscientific, could we not be as good as Yu Yuanyuan!" Lin Liran was still immersed in the blow of the fiasco, and entered a state of doubting life.

Qiu Yang glanced at him: "What's wrong with Yu Yuanyuan? She used to win often, do you think she is weak?"

"But she's only three years old! She's so much younger than us, she...oh, by the way, Shen Ji should be the best, so they can win!" Lin Liran continued to make excuses for his fiasco.

As soon as he saw the little glutinous rice cake lying on Shen Ji's shoulder, he felt that his IQ had suffered a devastating blow.

Lin Liran is the top student in his class!The one with the best grades!

He actually lost to a three-year-old child!
No, he doesn't admit it!He just lost to the more powerful Shen Ji, and all the credit is due to Shen Ji!

Qiu Yang yawned a lot, and looked at his friends with contempt: "I heard that Shen Ji is 11 years old, and Yu Yuanyuan is 3 years old. How old are they?"

"14!" Lin Liran replied in seconds. This kind of simple addition and subtraction questions can't blame him.

"You are 7 years old, and I am also 7 years old. Isn't that 14 years old together?" Qiu Yang pouted, "I didn't see you helping me win once."

Lin Liran stopped talking.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the previous excuse is not valid.

Shen Ji is formidable, but Yu Yuanyuan is only three years old, logically it will hinder him, and the difficulty will also increase.

Besides, what and what was Yu Yuanyuan's gestures just now!

"The question just now was really difficult." Lin Liran whispered, his voice was thin and weak, and he was no longer as confident as before.

Qiu Yang glanced at him with disgust: "You just can't compare to Yu Yuanyuan, admit it!"

Lin Liran: "!!!"

The children think that only they can hear the conversation, but they don't know that all their conversations are reversed to the audience's ears.

"Before, I thought this Qiu Yang was quite annoying, but I didn't expect him to speak for Yuanyuan Cub."

"He doesn't speak very nicely to his friends, but... it sounds good to me!"

"As long as you speak for Yuanyuan, we are friends."

"Huh? Are you praising Yuanyuan?" A surprised voice sounded from the front.

Shen Ji stood in front with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms. Yu Yuanyuan was slumped on his shoulders. When she heard her name being mentioned repeatedly behind her, she simply turned her head to the back to eavesdrop... oh no , listened openly, but Qiu Yang and Lin Liran didn't notice it.

Qiu Yang was startled, blushing and looked away: "You heard wrong, we didn't say anything."

"Hey, but Yuanyuan really heard it!"

"There's something wrong with your ears."

"Yuanyuan's ears are fine, it's alright~" Saying that, Xiao Zaizai still pinched his ears with his claws, gently pinching the two sides, "Look~~ Yuanyuan's ears are fine~ can't listen Wrong~~"

"All right, all right, I'm praising you, okay?" Qiu Yang covered his face and was forced to compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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