The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1386 The last cooperation quota

Chapter 1386 The Last Cooperation Quota

"Hey hey~~thank you~~" Xiao Zai Zai laughed foolishly.

The next three groups ended soon, except for the Yu Yuanyuan group, no one was correct. The second best result was Sun Chengyu and his good friend.

The least correct answers were Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian. The two children only got one question right, and they were very frustrated.

Seeing Su Zhirui with her head drooping, Xiao Zaizai stepped forward and patted her good friend on the shoulder seriously: "Ruirui, don't be are amazing!"

Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian are like two flowers short of water, with their heads hanging down weakly: "But, we only answered one question correctly, and the result is the worst."

The two pitiful little figures looked so pitiful that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help frowning.

The air was quiet for a few seconds, and Xiao Zai Zai suddenly raised his voice: "But, you are the youngest group duck!"

Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian didn't understand what she wanted to say, raised their heads in doubt, blinked their eyes and looked at Yu Yuanyuan puzzled.

"Yuanyuan and brother Shen Ji are 14 years old together! Qiu Yang and his good friends are also [-] years old together!" As he said, Xiao Zaizai looked at the other children, as if he was confirming something, "The children in other groups are also [-] years old!" It's the same, their combined age must be older than the combined age of Ruirui and Tiantian!"

"Wow, Yuanyuan is right, we will be even stronger in the future!"

The two children were successfully bluffed by Xiao Zai Zai, and continued to listen carefully.

Feeling the sense of responsibility of being entrusted with the task, Xiao Zai Zai frowned and nodded solemnly: "Okay! Yuanyuan will work hard!"

Groups can invite each other, and the host allows the children to choose partners freely.

The two children who were still depressed before, regained their happiness and confidence by Yu Yuanyuan's words.

"Kids, the next game is quite special, and it requires the cooperation of two groups to succeed!"

But there were only five groups, and one of them was destined to participate twice.

Lin Liran stared at him dumbfounded.

There is one last co-op left.

"Then please invite the Yuanyuan team, who scored first just now, to participate in two games, is that okay?" The host solemnly patted Xiao Zai Zai and Shen Ji on the shoulders.

Both Ling Zi and Sun Chengyu wanted to fight for it, but they were squatted away by Qiu Yang on the way, so he snatched it first.

"Yu Yuanyuan, let's cooperate!" Qiu Yang stretched out his palm pretending to be a gentleman, making an invitation gesture.

"Ruirui and Tiantian are the youngest together, and haven't had the chance to learn more knowledge, but Ruirui and Tiantian are so good, you still answered one question correctly! Very good!" Xiao Zaizai said He began to snap his fingers, "Brother Shen Ji said that one year difference is just... 365 days. You have lost many 365 days to learn knowledge! When Ruirui and Tiantian grow up, they will definitely become Even more powerful! Super powerful! The universe is invincible and powerful!"

It only took five seconds for Su Zhirui and Yu Yuanyuan to agree, and one of the cooperation spots was given to Su Zhirui and Jiang Tiantian.

With Yu Yuanyuan's words, Su Zhirui's inability to turn her head was completely taken astray, and Jiang Tian was similar.

Why did you invite Yu Yuanyuan? ? ?

This little potato is the most uncertain and unreliable existence!
In his opinion, it is the most reliable to invite Sun Chengyu's group, who is older and has a stronger understanding ability.

Yu Yuanyuan bit her finger and thought for a while: "You praised Yuanyuan just now...then...then...then Yuanyuan will be in your group!"

After saying that, she patted her wet fingers into Qiu Yang's palm.

(End of this chapter)

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