The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1387 The Most Unreliable Is You

Chapter 1387 The Most Unreliable Is You

Qiu Yang watched her ask for a finger, and now the wet finger touched his palm.

His heart shrank violently, but because he still wanted to use Yu Zaizai's lucky superpower, he had to pretend to be calm, otherwise what would happen if that little Douding went back on his word?
"Why do you want to form a team with Yu Yuanyuan? She... this can't be done!" Lin Liran heard that the team formation was successful, and before he came to dissuade her, Yu Yuanyuan agreed.

Without changing his face, Qiu Yang put his wet hand on Lin Liran's back, and patted it several times: "I did this for a reason, don't ask too many questions, just follow my steps."

"I know that Shen Ji in their group is very powerful, but this sounds like a cooperative game, and Yu Yuanyuan is the most unreliable existence!" Lin Liran can become Qiu Yang's friend, and the two have the same love. Winning heart, since I came to participate in the recording, I naturally hope to win.

"But she's lucky, maybe she can bring me victory." Qiu Yang smiled slyly, and patted Lin Liran on the back again, hiding his achievements and fame.

The team has been determined, and the host announced the rules of the second round of the game.

Just now everyone asked repeatedly, but the host was mysterious and refused to say anything.

Similar to Lin Liran's guess, this is a game that requires the cooperation of multiple players, and if one of them makes a mistake, it may affect the outcome of the game.

When at home, Lin Liran often watched variety shows, and he was no stranger to the way the game was played.

Therefore, the arrangement of the first and last person is very important.

After listening to the rules of the game, Lin Liran immediately said: "You must not let Yu Yuanyuan be the first, she is too unreliable!"

Shen Ji glanced at Qiu Yang, as if confirming his opinion.

"Then who is the first?" Xiao Zaizai didn't care about Lin Liran's words at all, and tilted his head to look left and right.

Well, this person has the ability to read minds, it's best to put him last!

A group of four people, everyone has to wear headphones, and very loud music is played in the headphones, completely isolating external sounds.

When Qiu Yang heard this, he glanced at him in a cold voice: "You only got two questions right, so you have the nerve to say she is unreliable? In my opinion, you are the most unreliable one."

Her gestures in the first round of the game unconsciously appeared in her mind. If she was the first one, no one would guess the correct answer, and she would definitely make a mistake from the second one.

As for Yu Yuanyuan's words... It's too difficult for her to guess the sentence from the shape of her mouth. Even if she is lucky, she will still fail in case of an accident.

Lin Liran was too nervous just now, and the level of gestures also had a great impact on Qiu Yang. In this case, losing to No. 4 made Qiu Yang very unhappy.

The best way is to put Shen Ji, who can and must win, at the end!
"Yu Yuanyuan is the first one, Shen Ji you are the last one, Lin Liran you...the third one, I'm the second one," Qiu Yang stated his opinion clearly, and looked at Shen Ji quietly. Ji's expression confirmed his attitude, "how is it?"

In the end, if the person can say a word correctly, he will get a score for that word, and if he says everything correctly, he will get a full score for the question!

The first person will receive the "password", which is often a sentence, and it will be passed to the last person by mouth and gestures.

Shen Ji might also be a superpower, and Qiu Yang didn't want to lose a superpower friend just because he offended him.

"Well, that's it, I'm fine." Shen Ji nodded.

In fact, this arrangement was exactly as he had imagined. It was too difficult for Yuanyuan to guess the sentence, so it was easier for her to know the answer directly and make gestures for them.

"Isn't it?!" Lin Liran's face changed drastically when he heard this, "It's going to happen, she must be the first one to be wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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