The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1388 There is a pair of "fools" vividly written in the eyes

Chapter 1388 A pair of "muddled" are vividly written in the eyes

Lin Liran didn't dare to think about that scene.

The sentence A given by the program group, under Yu Yuanyuan's chaotic gestures and mouth gestures, Qiu Yang successfully understood it into sentence B, and then sentence B passed smoothly to the end.

None of the sentences that Shen Ji uttered was correct, and their group's first question was doomed to fail from the very beginning.

"Then what do you want? Let her guess? Isn't it more difficult?" Qiu Yang asked angrily.

Lin Liran doesn't seem to believe that Yu Yuanyuan has the superpower of luck until now.

"Actually, we shouldn't have her as a team." Lin Liran muttered in a low voice, he was also dissatisfied that Qiu Yang went to Yu Yuanyuan to form a team without discussing with himself.

Although it was just recording a show, he didn't want to lose.

"Don't say there are some, the team has already been formed. I think this arrangement is correct, and Shen Ji also thinks it is correct." Qiu Yang moved his hand, not wanting to talk to Lin Liran any more, and signaled him to join the team stand up.

The children lined up on the steps, and the staff put earphones on everyone.

There was very loud music playing in the earphones, and the voices from the outside world and the screams of the audience seemed to disappear from the ears in an instant.

"Yuanyuan, the game is about to start, do you know the rules of the game?" The host knelt down and asked Xiao Zai Zai in a normal manner.

"I know! Yuanyuan will add you!" Xiao Zaizai raised her claws, and some people in the audience imitated her movements and raised their hands together.

They knew that this was Yu Yuanyuan's small gesture of "Come on".

"There is a countdown in this game," the host pointed to Qiu Yang who was in the second position, "You have to hurry up and express to Brother Qiu Yang, you can use your movements or mouth shapes, otherwise, after the chair turns around, You can't go on anymore, understand?"

"Understood!" Xiao Zai Zai replied decisively.

"Yuanyuan listen carefully, the sentence will be explained in the earphone immediately, and when the numbers appear on the screen, you have to hurry up and perform."

She was the first one, Yu Yuanyuan clenching her fists, standing like a little warrior about to fight.

The small brows huddled together are very serious, and all the attention is on the earphones.

"Listen to the question, I want to eat a tomato scrambled eggs."

The male voice came out of the earphones, and it appeared very suddenly, which made the little boy who seemed to be prepared a little nervous. After listening to it once, his head became empty again.

"Quick, quick! What is it! Say it quickly!" Qiu Yang also urged on.

The sentence in the earphone was said once, but it was still an emotionless mechanical voice, Xiao Zai Zai was a little uncertain.

"I'll give up scrambled eggs!" Yu Yuanyuan tried to reproduce every word with the accent from memory.

"If you make your mouth bigger, you can also do some strokes." Qiu Yang was the second one, and he was under a lot of pressure.

If he really lost, Lin Liran would definitely blame him.

"I'll give up on scrambled eggs!" Xiao Zai Zai slowed down and tried to make his mouth bigger, in order to facilitate Qiu Yang's understanding.

"I want to nourish you and give up your guts?" Time was running out, Qiu Yang's chair had been completely turned around, and he had no chance to confirm again.

No, this answer is absolutely wrong!
They are all children, how could they use such illogical sentences as the topic?
But he couldn't think of what it would be, so he could only bite the bullet and convey it to Lin Liran.

Lin Liran was even more confused when he heard it, and there was a pair of "muddled" vividly written in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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