The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 14 Yuanyuan is so pitiful

Chapter 14 Yuanyuan is so pitiful
The Angel Welfare Institute... To put it bluntly, it is an orphanage.

That kid is really an orphan?
After Yu Jinxiao answered the phone, he kept silent, but Yu Mingxi heard everything on the phone.

His gentle pupils were stained with sympathy, and he looked at the little milk bag in the living room from afar.

It seems that in order to abide by the agreement and not to run around, after Yu Mingxi put her on the sofa, Yuanyuan never got off the sofa, which was very worry-free.

Such an obedient and cute little guy is an orphan who has no parents?

"Are you sure you've found out?" Yu Jinxiao didn't believe the superficial evidence so quickly.

He has seen many interlocking conspiracies and has long been used to being skeptical about everything.

Gao Zhou seemed to be still outside, and besides his exhausted panting, there was a whirring sound on the phone: "I have already visited the orphanage to investigate, and Yuanyuan was thrown at the gate of the orphanage when she was a baby. The dean grew up and has never left. I have also investigated all the families I have contacted who are willing to adopt. There is nothing strange. Including all the staff in the orphanage, I also..."

"Okay, I got it, I'll send him back tomorrow morning." Yu Jinxiao never questioned Gao Zhou's ability to handle affairs, and just drew a conclusion.


"Yuanyuan is so pitiful." At first, Yu Mingxi thought that Yuanyuan was sent to the orphanage because of special circumstances and no one could take care of her. Now it seems that her parents deliberately abandoned her at the gate of the orphanage.

No matter what the reason was, Yu Mingxi couldn't understand such parents.

"Things are getting cold." Looking down at the dessert in Yu Mingxi's hand, Yu Jinxiao was still the same as before, as if he was a cold stone without emotion.

Yu Mingxi came back to his senses, quickly took the spoon, and hurried out of the kitchen.

Looking at his son's growing taller and taller, Yu Jinxiao suddenly realized that maybe he wasn't such a competent father, and he didn't have the right to criticize others.

His chest seemed to be gradually covered by a long-buried temperature. Looking at the three children in the living room, everything had a strong sense of unreality.



The sweet and crunchy shout brought Yu Jinxiao back to reality, Yu Yuanyuan helped to hold the small bowl, and Yu Mingxi was feeding her with small sips.

The eyes of the little milk bag looked at him, and the happiness inside was like a firework cannon that was pulled apart, spraying out happiness and joy without hesitation.

"Don't..." Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to say not to bark, but when he thought about the phone call just now, his heart, which was always invulnerable, felt a little suffocated.

Taking advantage of Yu Yuanyuan's attention on his father, Yu Mingxi pulled Yu Yingze aside, briefly explained the situation, and hoped that at least they could get along harmoniously tonight.

When he heard that Yu Yuanyuan was not his father's illegitimate daughter, Yu Yingze was in a good mood, even looking at the little milk bag was much more pleasing to the eye.

"Are you full?" Yu Jinxiao stepped forward, looking at the empty bowl in her hand with no expression, "If you are not full, you can..."

"I'm full, I'm full!" Chewing her food with a bulging face, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to speak with her head held high, like a little puffer fish, so cute that her heart melted.

The servants in the corner were discussing this cutie in whispers, and they were all squealing wildly at Yuanyuan's cuteness.

"Arrange a room for her." Yu Jinxiao looked at Yu Yuanyuan's servant who was not doing any business, but just peeping at Yu Yuanyuan, "I'll leave the rest to you."

"Okay, sir."

"Hey," the tall body approached Yu Yuanyuan oppressively, "the auntie over there will take you to sleep later, understand?"

"Then... Where's Dad?" Yu Yuanyuan looked up for a while, then lowered her head and gasped twice, and complained softly, "Dad is too tall, I'm so tired looking at it."

"I want to work, don't bother me." The cold voice drifted away, Yu Jinxiao's back went straight to the stairs, seemingly cold, but Yu Mingxi saw a trace of tenderness and compromise.

However, everyone knew that after tonight, this little cutie would still be sent back to the orphanage.

(End of this chapter)

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