The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 15 Little Lion Brother

Chapter 15 Little Lion Brother

"Does Yuanyuan want to go up and play with brother?"

As soon as Yu Mingxi squatted down, Yu Yuanyuan automatically threw himself into his arms and hooked his neck.

There is no need for a verbal answer at all, the action of the little milk bag says it all.

Yu Mingxi smiled and hugged Yuanyuan up. Although she looked fleshy, she was much lighter than expected.

Yu Yingze, who was very repulsive before, no longer showed hostility. He shuffled behind and wanted to say something several times, but he didn't know how to say it.

Suddenly, a small head appeared on Yu Mingxi's shoulder, and he tilted his head curiously: "Second brother, what are you talking about?"

Yu Yingze: "???? I didn't say anything!"

"But I saw your mouth moving."

"No!! I said I didn't say it, so I didn't say it, did you hear the voice?"

Yu Yuanyuan looked disappointed: "Okay, I thought you said you wanted to play with me."

Frustration filled the air, especially coupled with Yuanyuan's slightly wrinkled brows and pitiful eyes, no one could last for five seconds.

Yu Yingze took a deep breath, and said, "It's not impossible."

"Does the second elder brother want to play with us? That's great!" The little head popped up, and the fleshy little paws stretched out, trying to reach Yu Yingze's direction.

No matter how hard she tried, the little paws could only rest on Yu Mingxi's shoulders for a short time, and all the information was transmitted frantically from the eager eyes.

Yu Yingze blushed impatiently and walked forward, thrusting his hand roughly to her, keeping his face away and not speaking.

The three children walked upstairs in a strange way and entered Yu Mingxi's room together.

Although Yu Mingxi is not very old, the room is very tidy and everything is sorted. At first glance, he looks like a good kid who will tidy up after use.

In fact, Yu Mingxi didn't have any toys, but there were a few plush dolls by the bed, they were all cute little animals.

The space beside the bed was covered with a soft carpet, Yu Mingxi put Yuanyuan on the carpet, and took all the plush toys down and put them in front of her.

"Wow, this is a little rabbit!" Yuanyuan picked up a little rabbit and pinched its ears, and soon found another new love, "Little lion! It's a little lion!"

"Which one does Yuanyuan like best?" Yu Mingxi sat beside her relaxedly, the gentleness in his smile was like a warm light in the dark night, not too dazzling nor too faint, it was just the right light.

Yu Yuanyuan sat cross-legged, Little Claws lifted the plush toys one by one to have a look.

Her movements were very light, as if she was worried about scratching them, she handled them lightly, and looked at each one attentively for a long time.

Yu Yingze, who rested his chin on the side in a daze, felt that this game was boring, but seeing his brother in high spirits, he could only play patiently with him.

"Yuanyuan likes little lions!" After careful selection, Yuanyuan smiled and held the little lion tightly in her arms.

"I think little rabbits are cuter?" Yu Yingze couldn't help but say, "All the girls in our class like little rabbits."

"When Yuanyuan was in the fairyland, I met a little lion brother. His fur was very fluffy, just like this." Yu Yuanyuan buried her head in grooming the messy fur of the plush little lion, sliding her fat fingers gently in the middle, "he He will run with Yuanyuan on his back, and help Yuanyuan drive away the villains, but he is so pitiful..."

Although Yu Yingze is only eight years old, he has long since disbelieved in these illusory stories.

Seeing that what Yu Yuanyuan said seemed to be true, he was about to expose it when his brother's curious voice came from beside him: "Why? What happened to that little lion brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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