The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1400 Handkerchief Behind Your Back

Chapter 1400 Handkerchief Behind Your Back
Lin Liran didn't hear the tricks, and thought it was Qiu Yang cheering him on, and suddenly had a stronger idea to knock down that little potato.

He didn't believe that he could repeat his bad luck!

Lin Liran, who was caught by Yu Yuanyuan, wanted to continue to throw the handkerchief.

Inevitably, history repeated itself, Lin Liran took off his shoes and threw them aside, only wearing socks.

In this way, his feet will definitely not be hung by the shoes anymore!
Yu Zaizai, who had won once, returned to his original seat and sat, waiting and waiting, the game never started, and he was a little sleepy.

The chubby back looks like a little panda sitting and dozing in the auditorium.

Sometimes there will be a sudden jerk, and then he will raise his head and look around in confusion.

"Okay, Liran, are you ready?" The host saw him eager to try, and used his voice to wake up each child, "If you are ready, the game will continue!"

Lin Liran even made a round of preparatory activities: "Get ready!"

His hands, feet and feet have been stretched by him, even if the cheetah comes, it can't catch up with him!
"Okay, let's continue the game!" Under the host's announcement, Lin Liran walked slowly behind everyone with bare feet.

Without the sound of shoes, everyone couldn't even tell where Lin Liran had gone. Only when he came into sight could they determine where he was.

The host refused to turn around, and every child was very nervous, looking at Lin Liran's whereabouts from the corner of his eye with his heart hanging.

When he walked behind Yu Yuanyuan, Lin Liran reluctantly threw the handkerchief behind Yu Yuanyuan again.

But the drowsy little Zaizai didn't notice at all, squinting his eyes and staring ahead, he entered the advanced operation of sleeping with his eyes open.

Shen Ji never thought that Lin Liran could throw Yuanyuan again.

He also suddenly saw that the handkerchief in Lin Liran's hand was gone, so he subconsciously looked behind Xiao Zai Zai and himself.

The handkerchief actually lay under Yuanyuan's chubby back again.

"Yuanyuan..." Shen Ji touched her lightly with his fingers, "The handkerchief is behind your back."

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't hear anything for a long time, she squinted her eyes: "Ah?"

"The handkerchief is behind your back." Shen Ji repeated again.

I don't know if Shen Ji's voice is too gentle, or if Yu Zaizai really fell asleep with her eyes open, she is still sitting there, motionless, and has no intention of getting up to chase Yu Yuanyuan.

But if she doesn't get up, Lin Liran won't be able to sit in her seat, and won't be able to win!

Shen Ji reminded her several times softly, but Yu Yuanyuan was still sitting there chubby, as if she was too sleepy to move anymore.

Lin Liran, who was waiting for her to chase after Yu Yuanyuan, ran in the opposite direction, but was confused and didn't know what to do.

He waited and waited, waited and waited, no matter who reminded Yu Yuanyuan, she still squinted her eyes and didn't move, it looked like she was really asleep.

Lin Liran is still waiting to win!

Is this little potato deliberately delaying time?
Lin Liran gritted his teeth, walked up to Yu Yuanyuan and pushed her shoulder: "Hey, I'm playing a game now, it's your turn to chase me! Get up!"

"Ah?" Yu Yuanyuan tried to widen her eyes a few millimeters, "Oh..."

The wobbly little body moved a bit, and reached out to grab Lin Liran's trousers, trying to use his strength to get up.

But Xiao Zaizai, who was still dizzy a second ago, made a sudden attack, which made Lin Liran's heart beat wildly, thinking that she was going to launch a sneak attack.

Lin Liran panicked and wanted to run away, but the little claws were still tugging at his trouser legs.

The moment Lin Liran turned around, his socks slipped on the ground, and he fell to the floor smoothly like a loach.

(End of this chapter)

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