The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1401 Don't Affect My Performance

Chapter 1401 Don't Affect My Performance
The dazed little Zaizai turned her head, and Lin Liran's back was falling in front of her, like a respectfully presented tribute.


Yu Yuanyuan didn't even stand up, she just turned her body around, stretched out her hand and tore off the sticker on Lin Liran's back.

"Wow! Yuanyuan won again!" The host announced hastily, as if he was afraid that Lin Liran would make trouble if he was a step too late.

The little guests all looked familiar, and Su Zhirui clapped her hands as usual and said Yuanyuan was amazing.

But the friends they brought all had expressions of surprise that widened their eyes.

The game... can you still win like this?

"Yeah, did Yuanyuan win?" Yu Yuanyuan finally opened her eyes. The series of operations just now seemed to be instinctive, and she didn't really enter the game state.

Lin Liran, who fell again, felt pain all over his body. He rolled around on the ground, curled up like a trampled earthworm.

Seeing him pitiful, Qiu Yang kindly stepped forward to help him up.

"Look, I've said it all, you can choose anyone, but don't choose Yu Yuanyuan, no one can beat her."

Lin Liran's buttocks were in pain, and his left side seemed to be swollen, but he didn't dare to say anything, he could only grit his teeth and endured: "It's a coincidence! It's... my socks are too slippery for this!"

"You still don't believe in evil?" Qiu Yang sized him up several times from top to bottom, "She really has superpowers, if you continue to provoke her, I'm afraid you will not just lose the game, in case If you fall and break your limbs...that's not a joke."

Qiu Yang's words were extremely intimidating, and Lin Liran suddenly shuddered.

Although he still refuses to believe that Yu Yuanyuan has "superpowers", he has planted on her twice in a row, and out of resignation to fate, he should not continue to choose this little potato again.

Just now he fell twice in a row, and his whole body hurts, but the game has already been lost. He doesn't want to be laughed at anymore, so he can only hold back the pain desperately to not be seen through.

If you fall again...

Lin Liran didn't dare to think about it, every muscle in his body ached just as soon as that picture popped up in his mind.

Lin Liran also felt a little weird after losing twice in a row against Yu Yuanyuan.

If you choose her again and lose again, it will be a big shame.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Liran decided to change his target...

This time, he spotted Ling Zi who was usually quiet.

Ling Zi's motor nerves were underdeveloped, and after continuous tugging, Lin Liran successfully sat in Ling Zi's seat.

Ling Zi, who didn't want to choose, stood there and hesitated for a long time, not knowing who to choose.

In the end, his good friend Yang Ke pointed at his back: "Ling Zi, choose me, my feet are going numb, let me get up and move."

Ling Zi hesitated.

In his opinion, whoever he chooses has the possibility of losing. He doesn't want to choose his friends.

But others also...

Choosing Qiu Yang, Lin Liran, and Shen Ji has no chance of winning. Choosing Yu Yuanyuan, Su Zhirui, and Jiang Tian is too bullying to the little sister, and Ling Zi doesn't want them to be unhappy.

He didn't speak, turned around and looked at Yang Ke.

Yang Ke smiled boldly and hooked his hands, pointing his fingers behind him undisguisedly: "Come on, I want to move too, if I don't move my feet will go numb, you have no reason to bully my little sister .”

After hesitating for a while, Ling Zi walked over slowly and put the handkerchief behind Yang Ke's back.

It's not throwing it away, it's bending over and letting it go carefully.

If Yang Ke picked up the handkerchief to tear off his stickers at this time, Ling Zi would not resist.

Others are nervous when they see the handkerchief, but when they come to Yang Ke, it feels like a relaxed feeling that they have finally waited.

After getting up, he moved his hands and feet, and desperately used his chin to signal Ling Zi to sit in his seat: "Sit down, sit down quickly, don't affect my performance."

(End of this chapter)

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