The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1425 Can't let Shen Ji steal the limelight in the chapter head

Chapter 1425 Can't Let Shen Ji Steal the Show in the Show

When He Chen realized that he had been cheated, and ran back in a hurry, Shen Ji had already come out of the room holding the sleepy Yu Yuanyuan in his arms.

For the program crew, it doesn't matter who wakes Yu Yuanyuan up, as long as someone wakes up Xiao Zai Zai, everything is easy to talk about.

No one noticed the undercurrent of this little incident.

Yu Yuanyuan tilted her little head, as if she was not sober yet, as if the head growing on her body was too heavy to support, she leaned against Shen Ji's ear, her two big eyes were open in a daze.

From a distance, He Chen saw Shen Ji say something to Yuanyuan with a sideways glance, and a smile appeared on that bewildered little face.

It's not an exaggeration at all, it almost instantly made that little cub laugh happily.

He Chen twitched the corners of his mouth in dissatisfaction, and stared coldly at Shen Ji's back: "Oh, it's nothing more than telling Yuanyuan that she can have breakfast or something, I can say these words, and I can coax Yuanyuan Super happy."

After waiting for such a long time, because Shen Ji's words fell through, He Chen wished he could hug his head and cry out on the spot.

When I heard that Yuanyuan was kidnapped before, I almost didn't worry about him to death. I called and talked for a while, but Yu Yuanyuan was busy with business, so she hung up the phone and had to deal with other people.

Not long after, the news of Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Jinxiao falling into the river spread on the Internet, and the video was even spread all over the Internet.

He Chen has also seen many videos of the salvage scene.

Looking at the wet little back sitting on the shore, He Chen's crying scene filmed that day was particularly moving and touching. A large part of the credit is due to Yu Yuanyuan's pitiful appearance in the video, which is really heartbreaking.

He originally wanted to make a phone call to take care of Xiao Zai Zai, but someone in the crew had already received the news that Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan were fine, and the Yu family wanted to let this matter fade out, and they didn't want people to pay attention.

As an insider, He Chen understands very well what it feels like to be paid attention to family affairs, the call interface he just opened is slowly closed, resisting the urge to disturb Xiao Zai Zai.

As long as Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan are fine, it's best to be safe and safe.

Within a few days, He Chen received the notice of Xie Xin's program recording and the recording arrangement for this time.

It's not long since the incident of falling into the river. Can we shoot so soon?He Chen's heart sank immediately, thinking that Yu Yuanyuan would withdraw from the recording.

Unexpectedly, not only would Yu Yuanyuan not quit, but she would also bring her best friend - Shen Ji, to record together!

He Chen, who was happy for less than two seconds, always felt a little uncomfortable about the situation.

He had already experienced Yu Yuanyuan's words about Shen Ji as "the best and best friend" in the show before.

But in the previous recording, he and Yuanyuan were the best partners. No matter how many good friends she had in private, he and Yuanyuan had the best relationship in the recording of the show!

until last night—

He Chen found that the immutable rule he believed in seemed to be broken by Shen Ji's arrival. The moment he saw Shen Ji, he even unconsciously raised a little hostility, even if the other party was only 11 years old...

What's wrong with 11 years old! !Is that height an 11-year-old kid can grow out of?
Standing with him, He Chen couldn't help but want to pat him on the shoulder and call him "brother".

He Chen squinted his eyes, and suddenly glanced at Shen Ji who had already walked in front of him, his eyes precisely fixed on Yu Yuanyuan's little head——

No, he can't let Shen Ji steal the limelight on the show!
He congratulated Chen, at least he had to wait for Yu Yuanyuan's best friend in the program group!

After making up his mind, He Chen strode forward.

(End of this chapter)

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