The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1426 This operation is death

Chapter 1426 This operation is death
"Yuanyuan, good morning!" He Chen ignored Shen Ji, and deliberately followed behind Shen Ji to greet Xiao Zai Zai, "How did you sleep last night?"

Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her eyes, smiled and raised her claws: "Good morning brother, Yuanyuan slept soundly last night~~"

He Chen: "..." Why didn't you play the cards according to the routine?
Obviously when he went to see her last night, this little cub was shivering under the quilt because he was afraid of the "monster".

Haven't woken up in the middle of the night?

Haven't you been aroused by the darkness of the night with a little bit of fear in your heart?
Yu Yuanyuan's words instantly answered He Chen's doubts: "Yuanyuan slept until dawn last night, brother Shen Ji called Yuanyuan for a long time before waking up, hehehe."

Xiao Zai Zai smirked embarrassedly, put his paws on Shen Ji's shoulders, his whole small body turned over, and talked to He Chen seriously.

That's right, that's the feeling you want!
He Chen was very satisfied with Yu Yuanyuan's reaction, he couldn't help but raise his head and chest out, the complacency he didn't know where came from even changed his pace.

"Then..." Just as he opened his mouth to say something, Shen Ji who was facing forward suddenly turned his head with a smile.

On that beautiful face, there was a different smile from last night.

If it is perfunctory to say that last night's smile was a mask, then today's smile is bright and sincere, and anyone who sees it will be fascinated.

"If no one wakes up Yuanyuan in the morning, Yuanyuan will sleep until noon, right?" Shen Ji's words seemed to point at something, and the smile that made He Chen feel uncomfortable seemed to be directed at himself.

"Hehehe, maybe~" Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head and laughed, "But Yuanyuan wants to have breakfast, and she'll get cold after getting up late~"

He Chen took a sharp breath, feeling as if he had been quietly hurt by Shen Ji.

When recording programs in the past, his alarm clock would blare, waking up Yu Yuanyuan.

Sometimes Yu Yuanyuan got up earlier than him, and when called for breakfast, she would even get up to wash her face, brush her teeth, and dress by herself, and packed her luggage early and waited for him to wake up.

Is it an illusion?

He Chen always felt that Shen Ji's words just now seemed to imply——

Since she didn't share a room with him, Yuanyuan wouldn't be woken up early in the morning, obviously she could sleep a little longer.

When we arrived at the restaurant, other children also arrived one after another. Everyone sat in their seats and waited for dinner.

Shen Ji glanced at the seats at the dining table, picked a corner and sat down with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, Xiao Zaizai was on his right and Qiu Yang was on his left.

Qiu Yang, who was still engrossed in getting up, was overwhelmed by the flattery. He carefully glanced at the little cub beside him, and stammered, "Morning."

Yu Yuanyuan squinted and was scanning the food, surprised by Qiu Yang's friendly greeting.

With her eyes wide open, she turned her head weakly, and it took a while to respond: "Morning...good morning!"

What's wrong with Qiu Yang?

Recently, it seems strange, he has become less and less like him before!
He Chen followed into the restaurant, searched quickly with his eyes, and finally locked on to the little figure.

But it was too late, there was no room beside him! ! !

Shen Ji got up and went to the table next to him to get breakfast for Yu Yuanyuan. Although his chair was vacant, He Chen was not naive enough to grab Shen Ji's seat.
It will definitely leave a bad impression in Yuanyuan's heart, and she must not do this.

He Chen made a quick calculation in his mind, and simply squatted down to Qiu Yang's left hand, and quietly poked his arm twice with his fingers.

Qiu Yang, who was about to eat, frowned: "What are you doing?"

The unfriendly atmosphere blowing towards the face.

(End of this chapter)

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