The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1437 What is sarcasm and where do you dig it?

Chapter 1437 What is sarcasm and where do you dig it?

Immediately afterwards, Ling Zi also accompanied Yang Ke with a suit of well-proportioned clothes, and Sun Chengyu didn't deliberately make things difficult, and Fang Heng was allotted a simple sports jacket.

As such...

Lin Liran and Shen Ji, who hadn't played for a long time, became the biggest competitors.

In fact, Lin Liran had changed his clothes a long time ago, but this outfit was too weird, and he didn't want to lose face in front of the camera.

After dawdling in the background for a long time, Lin Liran reluctantly walked out until the staff came to urge her.

Short hair, dark skin, thin figure, and impatient eyes.

Even with good facial features, Lin Liran couldn't hold back the joy brought by this little skirt.

Everyone was laughing, only Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji had different expressions.

Shen Ji never bothered to take part in such unkind actions, while Yu Yuanyuan looked at that little skirt enviously, as if she wished she could wear it on herself.

"Brother Shen Ji, why are you all laughing?" Yu Yuanyuan scratched her head, turning her head in confusion to find the answer.

It seems that after looking around, she omitted Su Zhirui and Jiang Tian who were not far away, and asked Shen Ji's brother to be more reliable.

"Probably because I think it's a bit special for a boy to wear a girl's skirt." Shen Ji didn't explain too much, Yuanyuan always has a lot of his own thoughts, and he didn't want to force some worldly opinions into her head inside.

"But, why is it so funny for big brother to wear a skirt?" Yu Yuanyuan still couldn't understand, "Yuanyuan can also wear shorts, and boys can wear shorts, but no one laughs at Yuanyuan~ Why big brother Will you be laughed at if you wear a skirt?"

It seemed to be a discussion among children, but every word Xiao Zai Zai said was clearly fed back to the audience's headphones.

"They don't seem to be smiling very friendly," Yu Yuanyuan frowned, pouted in wonder, "That skirt is so beautiful!"

The laughter on the scene became less and less, and even the other children on the stage were affected by the atmosphere and gradually became quiet.

No one knows why the atmosphere is suddenly a little...depressed, as if something is wrong.

Lin Liran blushed, feeling like a toy being ridiculed.

He lowered his head, he didn't want to look at anyone's face, he just hoped that the time would pass faster and the recording would end sooner!
In the empty line of sight, a pair of little feet suddenly appeared.

Then came out a cute little head with its head tilted.

Xiao Zaizai, who was supposed to be standing on the exhibition stand, moved to Lin Liran's side at some point. There were too many messages in her eyes, and Lin Liran couldn't understand it for a while.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Liran was annoyed.

"Big brother, your little skirt is so pretty, can you touch Yuanyuan?"

Saying that, the chubby little hand has been tentatively raised to mid-air.

The wide-open eyes were dark and bright, and Lin Liran could see a bit of envy in them.

"You're trying to mock me, aren't you?" Lin Liran snorted coldly. Even if he was angry, he couldn't say too much in front of the camera.

"Dig... sarcasm?" Yu Yuanyuan turned her head to ask the adult next to her, "What is sarcasm and where do you dig?"

He Chen cleared his throat and was forced to explain: "It's just ridicule."

"You're so talented!" Yu Yuanyuan's small body began to shake, "Big brother is so tall, he looks great in this skirt!"

Lin Liran felt dizzy for a while, and a mouthful of blood almost welled up in his heart.

He was praised by this little bean for looking good in a skirt? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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