Chapter 1438

"Okay, stop talking," Lin Liran's cheeks turned redder, not because of embarrassment, but because he was embarrassed by Xiao Zai Zai's staring eyes, "What's so good about boys wearing skirts! This is so funny!"

"It's not funny~" After the sound of the little milk, the whole studio was extremely quiet.

Although Yu Yuanyuan's voice is not loud, it seems to have the most powerful force, making the huge space quiet and listening to her every word.

"Girls can wear trousers, and boys can also wear trousers," Xiao Zaizai lowered his head slightly, as if he was counting a set of rules in his heart, "Girls can wear skirts, and boys can also wear them." Skirt~~~"

Lin Liran originally wanted to ignore the little milk voice, and didn't want to hear her chattering in his ear.

If it wasn't for her, he and Qiu Yang wouldn't have any conflicts.

But the plausible small voice was forced to reach Lin Liran's ears, even if he didn't want to hear it, he still automatically converted Yu Yuanyuan's words in his mind.

Stand up?

Lin Liran raised his head almost instantly, and subconsciously observed the much shorter eyes.

There was no element of interpretation in those big pure eyes, they were clear and without trace, like a bay of water that was still enough to reflect its reflection.

Lin Liran, who was about to yell back aggressively, saw himself in those eyes.


Is it funny?
Why is it funny when he wears a skirt?I don't see anyone laughing at girls wearing trousers.

"Heh, my young master has a good figure, even in a skirt, he is naturally beautiful!" Lin Liran shrugged his nose and put on a confident pose.

Before she finished speaking, Yu Yuanyuan patted her paw beside her: "Yes, yes, it looks good! It looks good!"

"You want to touch your skirt?"

"Hehehe, yes~"

"Then touch it for you, be careful, don't break it, this is from the program group, I don't want to pay for it."

The words were blunt and provocative, but Lin Liran's tone was much softer than before.

With permission, Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her claws cautiously, and lightly touched that beautiful dress.

Wow, it's soft, with a layer of short hair, embroidered with small shiny stones, so beautiful!
Lin Liran felt that his psychology was going abnormal.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's sincerely envious expression, he didn't really hate this outfit.


"Wear it! You can wear it if Yuanyuan says you can wear it! Listen to Yuanyuan!"

"It can be seen that Yuanyuan really likes that dress, but she is not tall enough to wear it, so she can only helplessly envy her, hahaha, it's so cute."

Minute discussions spread from the auditorium, and everyone could feel the purest kindness emanating from Yu Yuanyuan's small body.

In fact, everyone on the stage could tell that Lin Liran was not very happy, and the host was trying to find ways to ease the atmosphere.

I didn't expect that little cub who squirmed over could easily handle everything!
Each group put on well-made clothes, and Lin Liran and Qiu Yang, who were in conflict, were forced to stand together.

But the two still turned their backs to each other and did not speak.

In contrast, Yu Yuanyuan was very busy standing in the first place, holding up her paws and shouting to the audience: "Everyone—everyone vote for Brother Shen Ji! Thank you everyone~~~"

Vote Vote Vote!
All vote for Cubs!
A group of red-eyed people held the voting device and poked their fingers out of the shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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