The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1439 It's Not All Because of You

Chapter 1439 It's Not All Because of You

Voting closes.

The moderator got the voting results.

Not surprisingly, the one with the highest number of votes was Yu Yuanyuan!

This answer seemed to be unanimously approved by everyone on and off the stage, and everyone clapped their hands.

However, the host couldn't help but want to cue No.2.

"Actually, the number of votes for No.2 is quite close to that of the Yuanyuan group. Guess who it is?" After the host finished speaking, various guesses arose from the auditorium and the stage.

However, one answer was the most popular.

"That's right, it's Lin Liran kid!"

Before the others could react to clap their hands, Yu Yuanyuan immediately clapped Xiao Yuan's hands.

Those small eyes full of interest are still quietly looking at the skirt on Lin Liran's body, and the strong envy is about to overflow.

Hey, it's a pity that Yuanyuan is too small to wear that long skirt, otherwise...

Yu Zai Zai sighed in frustration, and his depression became a ball.

Lin Liran scratched his head in confusion, not sure whether he should be happy or not.

No.2...seems pretty good too?
He had already seen Yu Yuanyuan's popularity in the show, and with this advantage, it seemed pretty good that he was able to get the No.2 vote.

The appearance of wearing a skirt is a bit weird, but it won't lose too badly. It is the highest ranking since the two days of recording.

The rare No.2, Lin Liran instinctively turned around to look for Qiu Yang, wanting to give a celebratory high five.

But as soon as his eyes locked on Qiu Yang, he raised his hand, and suddenly remembered that they haven't made up yet!
The hand that had been frozen in mid-air for a few seconds was forced to reach the back of the head again, pretending to rub his neck.

The recording in the morning was over, and the children went to the backstage to rest and have lunch in a lively manner.

Qiu Yang and Lin Liran, who were chatting and laughing yesterday, were pulled into the head and tail of the team, without communication at all.

"Hey, you haven't reconciled with your good friend yet!" Yu Zaizai appeared beside Qiu Yang mysteriously, and Qiu Yang staggered in fright with the little milk voice.

Qiu Yang cleared his throat in a panic and asked, "Guan...what's none of your business?"

"It's none of Yuanyuan's business~ Yuanyuan is just curious~hehehe~" After saying that, the little figure ran erratically, rushed up and grabbed Shen Ji's trouser leg, chatting with each other while talking and laughing.

Standing at the end of the line, Qiu Yang looked at the group of children walking in front of him, and the feeling that had disappeared for a long time seemed to return.

The excitement seemed to belong to someone else again, everyone happily chatted with their friends, and his friend...was angry with himself and refused to apologize!

Thinking of Lin Liran calling him stupid, Qiu Yang's heart was filled with fire again.

Hmph, unless Lin Liran talks to him first, he will never talk to him in his life!
During lunch, He Chen finally grabbed a seat next to Yu Yuanyuan, but he was surprised to find that Lin Liran was actually sitting next to him.

"Hey, why don't you go and sit with Qiu Yang?" He Chen didn't even notice that the two of them were having a bad time.

Qiu Yang was moody before, and friends of moody people are probably also moody, so he didn't have the heart to pay attention to these two brats.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was eating, turned her head and interrupted: "He and Qiu Yang had a fight~~~"

"Oh, children will be fine soon after they quarrel." He said it was none of his business, and He Chen continued to serve Yu Yuanyuan food.

"Hmph, I won't pay attention to him." Lin Liran planed the rice viciously, as if he mistook the bowl for Qiu Yang.

"Then why are you arguing?" Gossip Zai Zai continued to inquire.

Lin Liran, who was chewing, had no time to use his brain: "Isn't it all because of you..."

Yu Yuanyuan: "? Yuanyuan? Why?"

Lin Liran: Oh shit.

(End of this chapter)

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