The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1440 Maybe this time is a chance?

Chapter 1440 Maybe this time is a chance?

"Let's eat your meal." Lin Liran stopped talking to that little potato, no matter what she said, he didn't respond, and silently picked up the meal.

Yu Yuanyuan's eating movements also gradually slowed down.


Qiu Yang quarreled with his good friend because of her?

Why pinch?

It is difficult for Xiao Zai Zai's simple mind to understand this logic.

Lin Liran's words kept lingering in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, arousing strong curiosity in her little head.

Why do other people quarrel because of her? ?
From the end of lunch, Yu Zaizai's small eyes have been lingering, secretly looking at Lin Liran for a while, and secretly peeping at Qiu Yang for a while.

But looking at it, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes.

Shen Ji knew that she would always take a nap, so he took her to the lounge for a nap before He Chen went out.

Sleeping drowsily, Xiao Zai Zai turned around, and saw a shadow in his bluffed eyes.

She yawned and looked intently—

It was Qiu Yang!
He actually came to take a nap today!
In fact, Qiu Yang didn't want to sleep too much, but Lin Liran didn't sleep, it would be embarrassing for him to stare and stare there, so it's better to change to another place to be comfortable.

When he went in, only the small bed next to Yu Yuanyuan was still empty, and Qiu Yang had to sleep there.

Qiu Yang didn't fall asleep at all, he curled up under the quilt, and turned his back to the sleepy little cub.

But after closing his eyes and concentrating, Qiu Yang felt a strange presence behind him.

It was a strange feeling like being stared at by something, trembling and sweating all over.

He turned around a bit, and leaned behind him from the corner of his eye——

Good guy!
Yu Yuanyuan who was sleeping on the opposite side woke up at some point, and was staring at him without blinking, without making a sound.

Qiu Yang was startled into a cold sweat, turned over and lowered his voice: "What are you doing? Close your eyes and sleep!"

"I know~~" Xiao Douding on the opposite side said word by word in a breathy voice.

The other children were sleeping soundly, the room was very quiet, and her breath came into Qiu Yang's ears word for word.

Qiu Yang frowned: "What do you know?"

"I know why you and your good friend are arguing~ hehe~" Gossip Zaizai put his hands on his heart, his cute little appearance was full of curiosity.

She knows?

How could she know! !
Could it be... Lin Liran...

"Boring." Qiu Yang didn't want to be told by her again, so he turned over and pretended to sleep.

At this time, a small milky voice drifted over: "The big brother said it was because of Yuanyuan... Really? Why did Yuanyuan let you fight?"

Qiu Yang: "..." He really wanted to get up and confront Lin Liran immediately!

Did this idiot do it on purpose?To actually tell Yu Yuanyuan such a thing, it's outrageous!

"No, you think too much!" Qiu Yang said sullenly without turning around.

"Do you need Yuanyuan's help?" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly stretched out her claws and poked Qiu Yang's back, "Yuanyuan can help you a little~~"

"No..." Out of instinct, Qiu Yang almost rejected Yu Yuanyuan's "kindness" sharply.

But he suddenly thought, didn't he always want to be a good friend of a person with superpowers?

Maybe this time is an opportunity?

If he was willing to ask Yu Yuanyuan to help, maybe she would regard him as a friend?

Qiu Yang had another calculation in his heart, adjusted his mood and turned around, with a wronged expression: "Will you really help me?"

"If I can help..." Yu Zaizai rubbed his little head on the pillow twice.

Bad water rose from Qiu Yang's stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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