The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1451 Has Comedy Potential

He Chen is an emotionally sensitive person, before he came to record, the reluctance in his heart was already very strong.

When the recording was over, the parting emotion made him even more uncomfortable.

With red eyes, he hugged the happily smiling cub, as if he had become an angry big bun.

"Yuanyuan..." As before, He Chen put her on the child seat and carefully fastened her seat belt, "...bye."

There are many, many words hidden in those eyes that quietly wipe away the tears.

There were too many emotions, and he couldn't figure out a clue, which made He Chen not know where to start.

In the end, after thousands of words, only a simple "goodbye" was left.

"Goodbye, brother~~see you next time~"

"Next time...see you."

He Chen stood by the car and waved his hands, watching the rear of the car go away, reluctantly watching.

Perhaps in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, she has many friends, most of whom are friends of similar age and similar interests.

But He Chen, an adult, truly regards her as his best friend.

Recalling the first time he met this little cub, He Chen didn't sleep well all night because he wanted to bring the kid to a variety show.

Little by little after that, this person who resists children regards Yu Yuanyuan as his friend.

Not just a bundled marketing partner in the program group, but a sincere good friend.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was chatting with Shen Ji in the car, didn't know that the next episode would be the last recording.

And "finally" means that everyone in the program group will draw a full stop here.

Shen Ji felt He Chen's sadness and reluctance just now, and also knew why he, an adult, had such uncontrollable emotions.

Because Yuanyuan is a cute little sun, who will always share warmth with everyone without distinction, and everyone who gets close to her will feel happy and healed.

Shen Ji has a deep understanding of this point, more deeply than anyone else.

However, there were some things that Yuanyuan didn't need to realize too early, as that would only make her sad in advance.

Shen Ji didn't say anything, just listened quietly, listening to Yu Zaizai's happy chirping.

For a while, he said that there was a small bird flying by outside the window, and for a while, he said that he would eat three bowls of rice in the evening, and his thoughts jumped with joy.

In the end, I said I was tired, and my little head was tilted in the seat and fell asleep.

When they arrived at Yu's house, it was already dark, and Uncle Lin's car was already waiting at the gate of Yu's house.

Seeing that Yu Yuanyuan was sleeping, Shen Ji didn't wake him up, and got into Uncle Lin's car at the door, said hello to Shuxuan and went home.

The car drove all the way back to the gate of the courtyard, and Yu Jinxiao, who saw the person coming back, had already gone downstairs and waited.

The car window was rolled down, and the little glutinous rice ball was still sleeping soundly in the seat, and the saliva was about to drip on her body.

"Yu Yuanyuan, it's time to eat!" Yu Jinxiao released his trump card when he came.

The drowsy little cub shook for a while, without even opening his eyes, he opened his hands and started pawing: "Hey, where is Yuanyuan's rice? What vegetables are there today?"

He Shuxuan held back his laughter in front, he felt that Miss Yuanyuan had great potential for comedy.

"People know how to eat before they wake up." Yu Jinxiao picked him up and was about to walk into the house when Yu Zaizai twisted like a fish and insisted on turning around to look inside the car.

"Brother Shen Ji hasn't gotten out of the car yet!!" Yu Zaizai roared from the yard.

He Shuxuan rolled down the car window: "Shen Ji has already gone home."

Boom!Cubs petrified on the spot!She didn't even tell brother Shen Ji for nothing!

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