The little face that was originally happy turned into a crying face in an instant.

When held in Yu Jinxiao's arms, all the facial features were crowded together, trembling pitifully, wanting to cry but desperately trying to bear it.

It seems that I can't bear it any longer!
He and Shuxuan have faced many dangers, but none of them are as frightening as they are now!
He stood by the car door, at a loss, he didn't dare to comfort Yu Yuanyuan, but he couldn't help but want to find out what happened.

why? !

Why did Miss Yuanyuan suddenly cry! !
"Shen Ji must have seen that you fell asleep and didn't want to disturb you," Yu Jinxiao patted the little head lightly and rhythmically, "You can still call him after dinner."

Yu Jinxiao's words woke up the sad little boy, his crying face was still stained with tears, and he immediately laughed happily.

"Hey~~ Baba is right~"

Are children's emotions so changeable?

He Shuxuan was so shocked that he was dumbfounded, and his admiration for Mr. Yu was even deeper!
He is really good at coaxing children.

Yu Jinxiao hugged Xiao Zai Zai around, pressed her big hand casually on one ear, and whispered: "Next time this happens, remember to wake her up, so she won't cry."

He Shuxuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately nodded respectfully: "Mr. Xie Yu for your enlightenment."

It turns out that there are so many twists and turns when getting along with children?

It seems that everyone who becomes a father will be forced to learn many incredible skills.

He Shuxuan is still young, and it is difficult for someone who does not become a father to understand the child's unrestrained thoughts that day.

In particular, Yu Yuanyuan's thoughts are especially free. Even Yu Jinxiao has to sum up and respond flexibly at all times.

Walking into the villa with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, Xiao Zai Zai was still sniffling and guessing what to eat tonight, when he suddenly found that his second uncle was there.

Yu Cangnan smiled and waved his palms to greet Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan~~ You came back after recording the show?"

"Second Uncle~~" Xiao Zai Zai raised his paw, intending to wave it at first, but he opened and squeezed his chubby little palm, which was regarded as a greeting.

"Yuanyuan is back, let's eat."

Yu Jinxiao greeted Yu Cangnan to take a seat, and Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi also came down from upstairs.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, Yu Yuanyuan's appetite was even more open, and her head was about to be buried in the bowl.

Yu Cangnan, who was sitting diagonally opposite, didn't seem to have much appetite, and kept silently looking at Yu Yuanyuan, hesitating to speak.

How could Yu Jinxiao fail to see what his second brother was thinking, and reached out to grab some food for him: "Why do you keep eating white rice and vegetables?"

"Oh, thank you." Several times, Yu Cangnan seemed to want to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Second brother, you came to find me on purpose today, you must have something to do?" Yu Jinxiao simply helped him pave the way for him to talk, "Let's talk, we are all a family, there is no need to hide it."

Yu Cangnan almost choked on the rice, covered his mouth and coughed a few times, with a hesitant expression: "Really? Then I... said it."

"Say it." If it was someone else, Yu Jinxiao didn't have the patience to argue with the other party for so long.

As if receiving permission, Yu Cangnan's body straightened a lot, and he cleared his throat while preparing: "Yuanyuan..."

Xiao Zaizai who was suddenly cue while cooking: "Karma?"

Thinking that this matter has something to do with him, but the other party suddenly cue Yu Jinxiao who is a little glutinous rice ball: "?"

"Yuanyuan, do you want to make a movie?" Yu Cangnan clasped his hands on his chest and asked the little boy across the table in a flattering gesture.

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