The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1458 He, Yu Jinxiao's daughter, will never be wronged

"Are you sure you've thought it through? No matter how hard it is, it doesn't matter if you can't eat snacks, sleep well, or take a bath casually..." Yu Jinxiao was always worried that this little dumpling hadn't thought it through.

She may still be very vague about what she is going to do, Yu Yuanyuan has never really followed the crew.

Even if the program was recorded before, the accommodation conditions are definitely not bad, and they can only go home for one night.

If she was left on the set for several days, I don't know what this little glutinous rice ball would become.

Xiao Zai Zai stopped talking, biting his hands and thinking seriously, his eyes were fascinated by the milk on the table.

Yu Jinxiao did not interfere with her.

It is a good thing to have the ability to think. He hoped that this little glutinous rice ball would learn to consider the outcome of things. Even though she was only three years old, he had high hopes.

"Is it like Yuanyuan was captured by the villain Susu before?" Looking up again, Yu Zaizai asked a question that caught Yu Jinxiao off guard, "You can't take a bath, you can't sleep on a comfortable bed, and you can't eat snacks. A little bit, but not as much spicy food as at home..."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Using kidnapping to compare the filming life of the crew seems to be exaggerating a little bit?
But if you think about it carefully, even the terrible thing of kidnapping, Xiao Zai Zai can easily deal with it and get out of it, so what's the point of making a movie?

Lao Zheng, who had a business relationship with him, bought a script and found a crew to tailor a movie for his son.

The purpose is to let his son satisfy the taste of being a starlet.

His Yu Jinxiao's daughter wants to make a movie, or his own family is the director, so there's no reason why he would suffer and be bullied in the crew? ? ?
He said it was to prepare Yu Yuanyuan mentally, but in the end, Yu Jinxiao felt that he was the one who was "prepared".

Maybe he should let Xiao Tangyuan try it.

Just because she's young doesn't mean she can't do it.

"Well, I'll reply to Uncle Er first, saying that you are willing to take a photo." Yu Jinxiao's figure and tone softened unanimously, "If you have new decisions and ideas, you can tell Dad at any time."

"Hey hey hey~~ good!" Xiao Zai Zai returned to his usual happy look, and pinched in mid-air with his raised small round claws.

Seems like this is her ultimate way of expressing happiness!
"It's getting late, it's time to go to bed after drinking milk and going back to the room to play for a while." Yu Jinxiao stretched out his arm, and pushed the mug in front of her a little bit towards Xiao Zai Zai.

I didn't expect that the little guy who would definitely grab a ton of beef and drink at ordinary times would hold his hands and not touch it today.

"Yuanyuan won't drink anymore!" The little face seemed to have made a painful decision, and she nestled in the chair without hesitation, trying to keep a distance from the cup of hot milk.

"Still hot?" Yu Jinxiao stretched out his hand to touch it, "It's not hot anymore, you can drink it."

Little Tangyuan still nestled on the chair and did not move, her small straight eyes glanced at the milk from time to time.

He said he didn't want to drink, but his eyes never left.

"Yuanyuan won't be able to drink or eat snacks when she is filming," Xiao Zaizai blinked his eyes naggingly, the little circle swayed and swayed, as if cheering himself up, "Yuanyuan needs to get used to it now!"

Listening to that firm little voice, Yu Jinxiao's heart ached for no reason.

Educating children is essential to parenting.

But his Yu Jinxiao's daughter will never be wronged!

"Drink, let's talk about it later, drink now if you have something to drink."

The cup was stuffed into Xiao Zai Zai's paws, Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were full of happiness, but she had already acted out the helplessness of being forced: "Okay, then Yuanyuan, let's drink a little~"

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