The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1459 Re-entering the Palace of Marriage

Chapter 1459 Re-entering the Palace of Marriage

If the Yu family had no money, Yu Jinxiao would probably oppose Xiao Zai Zai's entry into the entertainment circle with all his strength.

But with the power of the Yu family, it is not impossible to even create an entertainment circle for Xiaotangyuan, it all depends on whether Yu Jinxiao wants to or not.

And there is a ready-made great director at home, so it's better to match Xiaotangyuan's extraordinary hobby.

Perhaps other people's little friends now prefer to read picture books and play with toys, but Yu Yuanyuan just likes a little bit of a different hobby.

Gudonggudong drank the milk, and a small white beard hung around Xiaozaizai's mouth.

That little face was just drinking milk, and it happily squinted into a happy meowing face.

"Okay, it's almost time to go to bed after going back to the room to play for a while." Yu Jinxiao picked up his small body nestled on the chair, coaxing her all the way back to the room with a gentle voice.

"Baba~ Yuanyuan can learn acting from Mama?"

The little cub sat under the quilt, and the exposed half of his furry body was indescribably cute.

The little hand clenched into a fist unconsciously, and gently placed on the quilt, like a round claw.

Yu Jinxiao patted her head: "I'll call my second uncle later, and when it's agreed, you can go to see my mother when she's not busy at work."

"Hey hey~" Xiao Zai Zai suddenly laughed foolishly, "Then Baba will go with Yuanyuan!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Why do you think this little boy has a purpose?
Since He Yitong left Yu's house and joined the group last time, they haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Well, I'll take you there when the time comes." For such a trivial matter, Yu Jinxiao could still promise this little glutinous rice ball in advance.

No matter how busy you are at work, you still have to spend time with your daughter and try to find a way to get more presence in front of your wife.

"But, Baba~ Why doesn't Mama go back to the agency and live with us?" Children can't understand the complexity of the adult world.

In her opinion, a family should live together, why did Ma Ma go back to her own big house?
"Mom, she... is like a seed that drifted away with the wind, and now it has become a beautiful flower in other places," Yu Jinxiao knew that it would be difficult for Xiao Zai Zai to understand the things of adults, but he still took the trouble Di used a metaphor that she could understand more, "After the flowers grow up, there will be many roots in the soil. If you dig them up too impatiently and roughly and take them back to your small yard, it may cause great harm."

"Ah, Yuanyuan don't get hurt!" Xiao Zai Zai understood the general idea, with a panicked face.

"So we can't be in a hurry. We need to loosen the soil, wait until the temperature is right, find a good tool, and then bring the flowers home." Warm big hands pinched the little face, "Take mother home."

He Yitong is very popular in the circle, and the attention is also extraordinary.

Any public opinion on the Internet will have an impact on her work.

Especially since she has several movies and TV series in her body now, even if she wants to remarry her ex-husband, it's not just a matter of just renewing the certificate.

Every step he takes towards her, he has to take into account everything around her. The actor's relationship history has always attracted much attention.

The speed and direction of the spread of Internet rumors, if you don't pay attention, there will be earth-shaking changes.

Yu Jinxiao actually had a comprehensive plan in mind.

After they divorced, they became independent individuals. If he wanted to make the family complete again, he had to pursue her again with sincerity and a sense of ritual like before, and weave a beautiful love story again like the beginning of the relationship. Memories, it was a matter of course and she stepped into the palace of marriage again.

Both Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong are not ordinary people, and they are destined not to live in an ordinary way.

"Okay, okay~~" Yu Yuanyuan half understood, but as long as Baba said something, it must be reasonable!
(End of this chapter)

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