The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1466 Really Won't Eat Us

Most of the content of the script is about family affection, and a lot of humorous plots are designed, some of which are very touching.

The faces of He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan suddenly appeared in Yu Jinxiao's mind.

Can two comedians really perform such a touching plot?
The script this time can be regarded as a transformational work for Yu Cangnan, and Yu Jinxiao also sincerely hopes that he can succeed.


Yu Yuanyuan only has guest star experience, is it really possible to act in a movie?
Helping her read the script is one aspect, but acting skills...I'm afraid I still have to take her to meet He Yitong.

That's right, you have to ask He Yitong.

Yu Jinxiao raised his eyebrows, picked up the cub and put it on his lap.

The short legs and short hands were forced to straighten forward, like a cute fake doll.

"Yuanyuan, how about taking you to see your mother tomorrow?"

"Wow, okay, okay!"

"Go by plane."

"Airplane... Yuanyuan said, that big, big bird!" Yu Zaizai was excited for two seconds, shrinking his neck and trembling, "Will it wash away in the belly of the big bird? Will it wash away Yuanyuan?" Yuan is digested..."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Now there are not many children who don't know about airplanes.

"Yuanyuan wants to be numb, but Yuanyuan doesn't want to wash off, ahhh."

The slender fingers pointed at the brows of the little head: "That big bird is raised in our house, it can't eat people."



"That would be great~~"

Flying is still a trivial matter, but the place where He Yitong filmed recently is very remote, and the environment is a bit harsh, not much better than the desert.

After getting off the plane, I had to drive for two hours and walk for nearly an hour to get to the set. The helicopter couldn't land.

Even if it is him, Yu Jinxiao, he has to follow this step to enter.

The next day, he was going to find his mother. The little cub was so excited that he tossed and turned on the bed for a long time before falling asleep.

Early in the morning, Yu Cangnan personally drove over the script, a thick stack of "books", which made Yu Jinxiao's eyelids twitch wildly.

I don't know if there are many lines in this little dumpling?
Can you remember?
He turned to the first page and looked at it for a few times, and suddenly felt that there was nothing to love, and he glanced at the little glutinous rice balls beside him quietly from the corner of his eye.

Can you remember this line? ?
Forget it, Yu Cangnan is more worried about filming, he makes his own choices and bears the consequences himself.

Yu Jinxiao accepted it silently, and suppressed the slight expression on his face.

He Shuxuan has already arranged a car to go to the airport, and Yu Jinxiao is about to set off with Xiao Zai Zai.

Sitting in the car, Yu Yuanyuan kept asking nervously about the flight.

She had never been in Niao Niao's stomach before, and when she thought of that situation, she was nervous and looking forward to it.

When fending off a private airport, everything is in place.

Yu Jinxiao hugged Yu Yuanyuan and boarded the plane calmly, and when he put down the little Douding to fasten his seat belt, he touched that little cold palm.

"Baba, the birds really won't eat us?" Yu Zaizai turned his head and looked around nervously.

When I was in the fairyland before, the biggest big birds I saw were smaller than this, but the big birds in the fairyland are very fierce and will eat small animals.

"We are in the belly of the big bird now." Yu Jinxiao touched the little head, and suddenly reached out and patted the chair lightly, "If it is disobedient, we can knock it, and it dare not eat us."

"Really...really?" Yu Zaizai saw that his father was about to knock again, and immediately stretched out his claws to snatch his father's hand back, "Baba, don't knock! The big bird will be angry later!"

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