The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1467 Hold My Hand

Chapter 1467 Hold My Hand

The nervous little round claw immediately pulled Yu Jinxiao's hand back, looking anxious.

Yu Jinxiao stopped teasing her, fastened the seat belt on Xiao Zai Zai, and squeezed that little fist to give her a sense of security.

It was the first time to ride a handjob, Xiao Zai Zai looked left and right, and saw that there was no discomfort, so he finally felt relieved.

It turns out that the big bird really doesn't eat silver casually!

After the plane stabilized, Yu Jinxiao pushed down the table and asked someone to serve food to Xiao Zai Zai.

When Yu Zaizai heard about eating, he forgot all his fears, and was so happy that he poked his head around in his seat.

"Puba~ Why are there so few bank accounts on the handset~"

"Because it's a private jet."

"Wash...wash the human plane???"

"Private, meaning this plane belongs to our family, and other people are not allowed to take it casually."

"Wow——" Yu Yuanyuan patted his paws exaggeratedly, "Pulling is so powerful, it can raise big birds~~"

What's great, just spend money.

But every time he heard this little glutinous rice ball's true feelings of "powerful", Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but feel comfortable physically and mentally.

This little glutinous rice ball's praise is more useful than anyone's words.

Three hours later, the plane landed at the airport.

Yu Yuanyuan thought she would see Ma Ma when she got off the plane, but she didn't expect to have to take a 2-hour car ride!
Just as he got off the plane drowsily, Yu Zaizai switched to the car and continued to sleep.

Two black off-road vehicles loaded with a lot of things, speeding on the uninhabited mountain road.

Two hours soon came.

When Yu Zaizai was woken up, his eyes were foggy, he hummed and wanted to sleep a little longer in the car.

But Yu Jinxiao ignored her humming, loosened the seat belt of Little Tudou, and put on a new coat and trousers for her.

There is still an hour to go on the mountain road, so the jacket has to be changed in advance.

On weekdays, the bodyguards in suits and leather shoes all carried large and small bags, as if they were workers who came to deliver goods.

Yu Zaizai slept in Yu Jinxiao's arms for a while, but the bed was constantly bumping, shaking her out of drowsiness.

"Pu Ba~~" Xiao Zai Zai rubbed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, she was completely stunned by the scene that greeted her eyes.

The ground is full of mud, mixed with some gravel that fell from the cliff.

Not only did Yu Jinxiao look embarrassed, but also the bodyguards who were carrying heavy burdens were not much better.

Although He Shuxuan's fatigue was not reflected in his body, his eyes had gradually straightened, as if he had become an emotionless robot.

Yu Jinxiao's trouser legs had already been splashed with muddy water, and his arms were sore and slightly trembling from holding the cub for too long.

"Mr. Yu, let me hug Miss Yuanyuan for a while?" He Shuxuan stepped forward and proposed.

Yu Yuanyuan looks like a small ball, but if you have to carry her for an hour, your arms will definitely be sore from exhaustion.

In particular, the road conditions are still like this, which adds new difficulties.

"No need, I'll hug you." Yu Jinxiao rejected He Shuxuan's proposal and continued to move forward with difficulty.

Not only did he have to pay attention to his feet, he also had to be careful of falling rocks from high places, and he had to take care of the cub in his arms.

Xiao Douding, who was lying in her arms, suddenly felt her forehead wet, and a drop of sweat hit her forehead.

"Baba, Yuanyuan can walk by herself~ Yuanyuan can walk by herself!" As soon as Xiao Zaizai thought of something, he wanted to implement it immediately, moving like a little loach in Yu Jinxiao's arms.

The seal is almost unable to seal this little glutinous rice ball!
"Okay, Yu Yuanyuan don't move, you can go by yourself, but you have to hold my hand, you know?"


(End of this chapter)

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