The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1469 Do a Small Task

Chapter 1469 Do a Small Task

So, from a certain point of view, this role is really suitable for Yu Yuanyuan.

She has an older brother herself, and she also has the mood of being a younger sister.

However, the character, background and reality of the characters in the play are somewhat different. What Yu Yuanyuan needs is to figure out the mood of the characters and present them with the most appropriate performance.

There are quite a few young friends who made their acting debut early, and He Yitong himself has come into contact with many child actors.

But it is difficult for the director to ask them to make different facial expressions, and they can't be too natural, as long as they achieve a similar effect, they will pass.

Small friends are often the most uncertain factors in movies, and it takes a certain amount of courage to use small friends in movies.

"Yuanyuan, although this character is a younger sister, the environment she lives in is different from Yuanyuan's." He Yitong looked at the script with a glance, "She is usually a little quiet, not very talkative, and she has never seen her since she was a child." Brother. Now this brother... oh yes, it is He Chen, he wants to take you home."

"Then Yuanyuan can use the situation of meeting Brother Haoyi for the first time to act!" Yu Yuanyuan is good at acting, it seems that her cleverness is all here.

He Yitong asked some more details about the original recording, and shook his head: "No, Zai Zai, although you didn't meet He Chen himself at that time, you already knew him on TV. You are not really strangers..."

"Ah~ what to do with Yuanyuan's swelling!"

"Just imagine if there are any quieter, less courageous little friends in the program group?"

"Yes, Ruirui~~"

"Then think back to Ruirui's feeling when she met those strangers for the first time."

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized: "It turns out that it can be so sweet!"

"Yuanyuan, an actor may not always receive the same role as himself, but will definitely meet many other characters." He Yitong solemnly patted Zai Zai on the shoulder, "Then you need to observe more! Observe the surroundings For adults and children, remember some of their reactions and small movements, which can be used in the movie."

"Yuanyuan understands!" Yu Zaizai replied loudly.

He Yitong nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to the outside of the lounge: "Then how about I take Zai Zai to do a small task?"

"Okay ok~~"

The mother and daughter were about to go out holding hands when they suddenly found that Yu Jinxiao had fallen asleep on the sofa.

On weekdays, the man who was aloof and seemingly invincible, now has a downcast and broken beauty.

"Baba needs to be covered with a quilt to sleep~" Xiao Zai Zai was about to step forward, when He Yitong grabbed her little paw and gave a soft "shh".

This lounge is for He Yitong's exclusive use, it has a bathroom and a bed.

He Yitong brought a quilt and gently put it on his body, without waking Yu Jinxiao up.

He is useless to teach Zai Zai to act, but bringing Zai Zai to the set is exhausting him to death.

He Yitong tucked in the quilt at this end, and Xiao Zaizai tucked in the quilt at the feet in a decent manner.

After wrapping Yu Jinxiao into a solid silkworm chrysalis, the mother and daughter went out holding hands.

"Zai Zai, have you seen the two uncles in front of you?" He Yitong pointed to the two figures who were busy in the crew, "Look carefully and see which of these two uncles is more lively and which one is not very talkative." , quieter?"


This can be regarded as the first training for Xiao Zai Zai's observation ability.

He Yitong clasped her hands to give Xiao Zai Zai time to observe, but...

Why did she pull her legs and run forward? ?

(End of this chapter)

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