The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1470 My daughter, Yuanyuan

Chapter 1470 My daughter, Yuanyuan
"Susu, hello~~~" Yu Yuanyuan grabbed one of them and greeted them loudly.

With a small body like a little sun, with its claws raised high, the clear and crisp sound of milk can't be ignored.

"Yeah, it's Yuanyuan, uncle knows you," the man put the props under his arm, and purposely squatted down to talk to Xiaozaizai, "Are you coming to the set to find sister Tong? Oh, oh, I'm cuter than on TV, so cute~~”

"Hey hey~~ How could Susu know Yuanyuan?"

"Uncle saw Yuanyuan's show, next Saturday at 8 o'clock, right?" The man clenched his fist excitedly and touched Yu Yuanyuan's raised hand with his fist, "Uncle will definitely watch the live broadcast on time!"

"Hey~Thank you uncle~~"

Done!Jie Ge Su Su is very talkative!

Under He Yitong's shocked expression, Yu Zaizai staggered and walked to find another target.

The man was cleaning the props, completely oblivious to the addition of a small ball beside him.

"Susu, Susu..." Xiao Zai Zai stepped forward and gently tugged on his pants twice with his round hands.

The man stopped with his hands, and looked at the ball beside his legs in surprise, his eyes looked at each other, and at the same time, he fell silent.

"..." The man opened his mouth, as if speaking was a very embarrassing thing, he held back for a long time before he uttered a few words, "What's wrong, kid?"

After the question, Yu Yuanyuan didn't speak, and he didn't speak, and once again entered the two-faced dumbfounded mode.

"No four~in vain~" Yu Zaizai waved his claws, turned around and left, the remaining man stared blankly for a while and then continued to focus on his work.

The corners of He Yitong's mouth twitched, his eyes greeted the little cub who swayed back, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Let her observe it, she just started to fight head-on with him, it seems that this method is not impossible, but it is a bit...

"Mama Mama~Yuanyuan knows which Susu is more lively~ It's the first one~ Right~"

He Yitong: "Ah... yes, Zai Zai is amazing."


This is probably the difference between social cattle and social terror?
Others prefer to observe, while Yu Zaizai chooses to communicate directly.

He Yitong took Yu Yuanyuan around the set, wanting her to get used to the environment in advance, and by the way, told her some acting skills, plus the cooperation of actors and cameras.

Some things may be too difficult for Yu Yuanyuan, but when it comes to what she is good at, He Yitong really can't stop, talking endlessly until the sky darkens.

"Ma Ma, is there any food in the crew?" Yu Zaizai looked at the adults who were still busy, frowning worriedly and looked around.

He Yitong laughed as soon as he heard it: "Of course, how can you have the strength to act if you don't eat?"

"Wow! That's great!"

The conditions here are not very good, everyone eats box lunches, and the place to receive box lunches is in a small board room at the back.

As soon as Yu Zaizai got close to that piece, he could smell the aroma of food.

"Huh? Sister Tong, it's too much trouble for you to come and get the box lunch yourself!" The staff member smiled and saw her holding a child she had never seen before, "This is..."

"My daughter, Yuanyuan," He Yitong is not restrained by the system now, and she doesn't want her family to be wronged, "come to visit the crew."

The expressions of the staff gradually became dull.

Sister Tong's daughter? ?not three years ago...

"I want three lunch boxes." After saying that, He Yitong reached out to get it, and the little boy in his arms immediately corrected her.

"I want... four boxes!"

"Your father has such a big appetite?" He Yitong teased, but asked the staff to pack three boxes.

"Yuanyuan wants to bully two boxes!"

(End of this chapter)

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