The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1478 Don't Eat Children

Chapter 1478 Don't Eat Children

"Yeah, don't eat Yuanyuan, Mama will gain weight soon!" Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Yu Jinxiao's legs.

"They want to eat you?" Yu Jinxiao frowned, and his deep eyes cast his gaze on the two wolves in front of him quietly and coldly.

With a distance of less than 3 meters, everyone felt a strong fear because of these two animals.

But Yu Jinxiao's eyes seemed to be the king looking down on the world, and he patted Yu Yuanyuan's shoulder lightly with his big hand to ensure that she was behind him.

Even if the wolf wants to sneak attack and attack, Yu Jinxiao can save her as quickly as possible.

"It...what did they say?" Xiao Zai Zai stammered.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly sneered: "If they dare to come over, I'll have someone shovel the entire mountain forest, so that they can't stay here any longer! In order to eat a child, I even lost my home. Is it worth it?"

"Ah...ah?" Yu Zaizai's expression was confused, and the wolf's expression was equally confused.

They couldn't understand Yu Jinxiao's words, but they could feel the extraordinary aura of this human being.

He Yitong dragged the bamboo basket nearby, let go of it immediately, and hid beside Yu Jinxiao and Zai Zai: "Two chickens, a few fish! It's the food brought by the crew before, and in this situation... I can't care about it." Already! Let’s use it first, save everyone’s life.”

"It's coming! It's coming!" He Yitong's voice sounded from a certain corner. She was dragging a bamboo basket, and there seemed to be some living things flopping inside.

"Baba said, let someone shovel the whole hawthorn!"

"It's a forest."

"I say one thing, you repeat it," Yu Jinxiao tapped the little head with his big hand, "If you dare to come over..."

"Baba said that you can't stay in Jieli any longer!"

"Oh, shovel the forest! Shovel clean!"

"I'll have someone shovel the entire forest!"

Especially a beast that relies on feeling to judge, facing a person like Yu Jinxiao, will be so intimidated by the terrible sense of oppression on him that he dare not act rashly.

The two wolves looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe that they would be threatened by humans at this time.

It seemed that the man in front of him was not a human being, but a more aggressive beast in human skin.

"Oh, oh, don't be angry!" Yu Zaizai groaned and waved his claws, "Baba means that if you don't eat the children, nothing will happen!"

"Ba Ba said, if you dare to come over..."

"Is it worth losing my home just to feed a child?"

"Baba said, in order to eat... eat Yuanyuan, no family has any. Is it worth it? Not worth it~"

"Let you stay here no longer!"

Talking to this little cub for a long time, wasting my tongue, made me even hungrier.

Are they not afraid of death?
"Humans, don't be arrogant! Push us into a desperate situation, we can..." The two wolves gritted their teeth and warned, their green eyes shining with the terrifying light unique to beasts.

The domineering threat was relayed to Xiao Zai Zai's mouth, and it became inexplicably funny.

"Ah, what is it?" Xiao Zai Zai was also aroused with curiosity, poking his head to see.

"You mean, the grown-ups here can eat whatever they want?" The two wolves were already looking around and looking for a target.

After being dismantled, these words lost their power, like children reciting nursery rhymes.

If there is no such food, the two wolves may not necessarily eat Yu Yuanyuan's family, and others may not be sure.

"It's so pitiful~" Yu Yuanyuan looked at the chickens still flopping about in the bamboo basket, "Will they all be eaten?"

Yu Jinxiao was expressionless: "If they don't eat chicken, they will eat you."

Xiao Zai Zai trembled, and put his hands together towards the bamboo basket: "Thank you, little chicken! You saved Yuan Yuan and Ba Ba Ma Ma, you are a hero!"

(End of this chapter)

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