Chapter 1479

The two wolves followed the smell and came to the bamboo basket. The two chickens thumped even more fiercely, and there were four fish inside which could only open their mouths and not move.

"It's all for us?" The leading wolf turned his head suspiciously.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at Ma Ma, waiting to be a little translator.

"Zai Zai, just say these are for them, but only this time, if you still dare to come here to make trouble, then you will only have weapons to serve you!" The teeth had already begun to tear at the fur of these wolves, and the claws would not show mercy.

Man, it really doesn't have any attack power.

He Yitong stood where he was, sighed regretfully, and began to miss his life in Wonderland.

"Wolf wolf..." Xiao Zizai stammered and began to translate.

The two wolves each picked up a chicken and turned their heads: "Huh?"

With food, their attitude towards Xiao Zai Zai changed significantly, and they even responded to this childish name.

They acted in concert, and the grass and woods not far away were also rustling all the time. It was obvious that there were more than two wolves coming here.

"What's going on here! Why is there a hole here?" The hole looked obviously man-made, and it couldn't have been torn out by a wolf.

There was still a bunch of wolf hair hanging on the broken wire.

Fortunately, no blood was seen tonight, and everyone escaped, otherwise his job would have been completely ruined here.

Yu Jinxiao was not in the mood to participate in the crew's lesson to the staff, and looked sideways at He Shuxuan: "You brought the tools, right?"

The two wolves had no time to pay attention to her with the chicken in their mouths. They ran back and forth after a while, and took everything into the woods.

For the safety of the studio, a three-meter-high fence was built around it, and it was impossible for wolves to sneak into it casually.

"I'm sorry, director, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I..." Lao He cried with a sad face, clasped his hands together and choked up, not knowing what to say.

I've been here for so long, and I haven't seen any wild animals, and I don't go to the village or back to the store. Once I took it lightly, the wolves who were watching nearby spotted the gap.

"What's going on! How did the wolf come in!" The director's face flushed, and the fine sweat on his forehead almost wetted his hair.

There must be something wrong!

This location is close to the corner of the prop storage, and some daily necessities are also stored.

The staff who managed the warehouse before saw that several screws on the shelves were broken, and it was inconvenient to buy things here, so he thought of using iron wire to bind the screw holes.

Fix the shelves by clipping a few pieces of wire in the corners of the fence.

"There's only so much meat, you can't come here again next time, they will use traps and knives to kill you all!" Yu Yuanyuan warned with big eyes, pretending to be very scary, "If you are caught If the shark falls, there will be nothing left."

The others couldn't sleep. They took a flashlight and checked the fence of the studio carefully. In an inconspicuous corner, a hole was opened at some point, and the wolf should have crawled in from here.

Many people fell to the ground with weak legs, and after a long delay, they didn't see the wolf come back. Finally, the director's growl sounded.

"It's you human beings, don't snatch our home! Hmph!" The two wolves ran away without looking back, and the scene of false alarm returned to silence.

"Old He, what's the matter with you!" The director got angry, raised his hand and slapped the man on the shoulder, "Do you know how much trouble you almost caused?"

He Shuxuan understood in seconds: "I'll fix it right away."

Yu Zaizai squatted in the hole and observed carefully, as if he was a little detective. The wolves had left, and everyone relaxed their vigilance again.

At this moment, the bushes outside the cave rustled, and a mighty wolf head came out.

"The wolf is coming again!! It's coming again!!"

(End of this chapter)

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