Chapter 1484
"Help duck—" Yu Zaizai let out a pitiful scream, trembling all over, but he didn't dare to move.

A golden retriever was resting its front paws on Yu Yuanyuan's shoulders, excitedly looking for her to play with.

Cub, who was always afraid of dogs, was so frightened that he almost lost his mind.

"Oh, pull away a little bit," Yu Yingze gestured quickly, pulling Yu Yuanyuan back from under the dog's paw, "You scared my sister!"

The little friend was wronged: "You told me to bring the red beans out..."

"Yuanyuan, can you understand what Hongdou said?" Yu Yingze patted the little head that was shaking from crying, and coaxed her to use "super power" in a low voice.

ah?Why listen to what the dog says?
Can humans understand dogs?
My friend is not very old. I have never seen this kind of operation before. I was stunned on the spot and even forgot to ask questions.

No matter what Yu Yingze said, Xiao Zai Zai was sobbing pitifully, only busy avoiding the enthusiastic golden retriever.

After tossing for more than ten minutes, Yu Yingze said goodbye to his little friend, picked up Yu Yuanyuan and walked back.

The little buddy was left alone in place.

"Okay, Yuanyuan, don't cry," Yu Yingze frowned, wishing he could punch himself twice, "I didn't know you were afraid of dogs, dogs... they are cute, and they won't hurt anyone!"

"But four, Miaomiao is afraid of dogs all the time, soooooo." The small body rubbing its eyes leaned on Yu Yingze's shoulder and moaned.

This is true, Yu Yingze always hears Yuanyuan say that she is a little meow fairy, and it seems reasonable that Miaomiao is afraid of dogs.

After finally coaxing Xiao Zai Zai to stabilize his mood, Yu Yingze asked tentatively again: "Yuan Yuan, did you hear what Hong Dou said just now?"

This kind of unimaginable operation, Yu Yingze would not have believed it before.

but now--

Yu Yuanyuan has rescued her father from the water before, what else can't happen!
"Nope," Xiao Zaizai shook his head, his eyes were red and his mouth curled up, "That dog... always pounces on Yuanyuan, does it want to eat Yuanyuan!"

For some reason, Yu Yuanyuan thought of the two wolves she saw last night.

Neither of the two wolves pounced on her, the big dog is too scary!

"How could it be? Dogs eat dog food!" Yu Yingze comforted repeatedly, "It doesn't know how to eat Yuanyuan."

"Oh~~" The crying little milk finally calmed down.

"Hey, look, it's the master of the old family!"

Yu Yuanyuan heard a hoarse voice coming from the nearby bushes.

She looked around and found two fat cats in the grass.

A cat is white all over, but fat, lying lazily on the ground with squinted eyes, basking in the sun that is about to set.

An orange-yellow cat, of equal size, lay beside the white cat and stared round.

The white cat stared at Yu Yuanyuan, and Yu Yuanyuan also stared back decisively.

"What are you looking at! You are the master of the boss, not mine, hmph!" The white cat yawned and was about to turn around when it found that the human cub was still staring at him.

"Huh? Who is the boss you're talking about? Are you talking about Yuanyuan?" Xiao Zaizai tilted his head to look at the orange cat, and was so frightened that the lazy figure slipped and nearly rolled down the grassy slope .

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan talking to the kitten, Yu Yingze also became excited, holding his breath, as if he was afraid that he would spoil the atmosphere.

"How can I understand your words!" The white cat Meow was shocked.

Yu Zaizai blinked and squatted in front of it: "Yuanyuan can also understand what you say~~Hello~~"

"What's the matter! I never interact with humans, go away!" The white cat arrogantly stretched out its paws to pat the outstretched little round hand, but was suddenly pressed to the ground by a big black cat paw .

"You've turned the other way, dare to bully Yuanyuan?!" Dahua's mighty voice sounded from the side of her leg.

(End of this chapter)

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