The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1485 How Can You Surrender To Humans So Much

Chapter 1485 How Can You Surrender To Humans So Much

Yu Yingze couldn't understand the meow language, but the aura of Dahua seemed to make him understand everything.

When the white cat showed its claws, he was also taken aback and wanted to stop it.

Unexpectedly, a soft body squeezed between him and Yu Yuanyuan, and slapped the white cat's paw away with one paw.

Dahua's mighty call sounds like a curse, but at first glance, it looks like the boss of the villa area.

"Wow, Dahua is so handsome!" Yu Yingze murmured.

"Da Fa~~" Xiao Zai Zai didn't realize that he was almost scratched at all, so he happily touched Da Hua's head with his small round hand.

The ferocious Dahua immediately narrowed her eyes in enjoyment.


The human massage technique is really wonderful.

The white cat opened its eyes wide and opened its mouth slightly, watching in disbelief that its boss was so lacking in dignity in front of the human cubs.

Those eyes that were so happy that they squinted were full of enjoyment all over their body.

"Boss, how can you submit to humans like this!" The white cat was heartbroken.

He originally thought that the boss just tied a long-term meal ticket and went to the human hut to eat every day, but he didn't expect it to be touched! !

Dahua rolled her eyes impatiently when she heard the exclamation on the other side.

Yu Yuanyuan foolishly thought that the white cat was unhappy and no one was scratching its head, so the little claws were caught off guard and placed on top of the white cat's head and grabbed it: "Hey, Yuanyuan scratches for you too~"

"You human!!"

The white cat has never been touched by humans. It was deliberately stepped on by humans when it was on the side of the road. It was so painful that it burst into tears. Later, with its super self-healing ability, it finally recovered. .

Since then, it has been at odds with human beings, and everyone who wants to touch it will be scratched by it, and it can't even touch its fur.

Later, it came to the vicinity of this villa area. I heard that there is a very powerful boss here, and many stray cats hang out with it here.

Moreover, there was a lot of food here, so the white cat, who was starving and gloomy at the time, decided to stay without hesitation.

It turns out that there is a lot of food here, all of which are given by humans. The people here are relatively friendly, and they can find food from time to time.

Humans will not harm them, and stray cats are also led by Dahua, and must abide by the principle of non-aggression.

It's just that the white cat's fear of humans stemming from memory is not so easy to erase.


This warm little hand doesn't seem to hurt the cat. The feeling of her touching his head reminds him of when his mother licked its fur when he was a child.

"...Well, yes, this is the position, put more strength..." The white cat, who was fierce a second ago, also squinted its eyes and lay down on the ground, completely controlled by Yu Yuanyuan's claws.

Yu Yingze was dumbfounded, and asked softly, "Yuanyuan, can you understand meow and wolf, but can't you understand dog?"

"It seems to be Jiangzi," Xiao Zizai sighed, "It would be great if I could understand dogs! Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan wants them to stay away from Yuanyuan, woo woo, scare Yin."

The moment Yu Yuanyuan withdrew her hand, Dahua took the time to pat the white cat's body: "There are bad and good human beings, and Yuanyuan is the cutest one!"

"Hehehe~~ Dafa is also the cutest meow~" Xiao Zaizai giggled embarrassedly when he was suddenly praised.

"Haha, three silly cats! Playing with humans, idiot!"

A bluffing sound came from the head of the squatting cub, and it didn't sound like a human being at first glance.

(End of this chapter)

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