The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1486 Niao Niao scolds Yuanyuan on the tree

Chapter 1486 Niao Niao scolds Yuanyuan on the tree
Yu Yuanyuan raised her head suspiciously, and found a sparrow on a branch looking straight ahead.

"Yes... are you talking?" Xiao Zai Zai looked at the sparrow uncertainly and asked.

The little figure bouncing on the branch slammed on the brakes: "What?! How could you understand me? No, how could I understand you!"

Yu Yingze's eyes enlarged again, and he followed the eyes of Xiao Zai Zai to look at the branches: "Yuanyuan... can you still understand sparrows?"

"Hey duck, why did Yuanyuan hear the little bird talking again!" Yu Zaizai no longer felt that this ability was very powerful, and a little fear appeared in his heart for no reason.

She couldn't wait for Yu Yingze to catch up, so she rushed towards the yard.

The birds around were chirping, and the fragmentary sounds came to her ears, and the noise made her head hurt.

after that.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't even be sure whether those voices were human beings or the surrounding animals. This sudden pressure from the pavement made a three-year-old child scared and at a loss.

After Da Da Da ran into the house, Xiao Zai Zai was all over the house looking for his father.

In the end, she saw her father in the study who was having a conference call. Yu Yuanyuan didn't care about anything, and rushed inside with small steps.

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to signal her not to come in for the time being, that little body rushed over pitifully and hugged her father's leg.

The little body was trembling.

The little cub who was sticking to his leg seemed to be very scared. Even though he wasn't crying, his body was shaking all the time.

Yu Jinxiao put down his raised hand again, and announced to the computer as if nothing had happened: "The meeting is suspended first."

After saying that, he turned off the signal and picked up the little cub by his leg.

The small body quickly burrowed into his arms, as if desperately needing to find a place where she could feel safe.

"What's wrong?" Yu Jinxiao saw Xiao Zai Zai like this for the first time.

Didn't you go out with Yingze happily just now?Why was she so frightened all of a sudden? Did she quarrel with Yingze?
"Yuanyuan?" Yu Yingze's voice came from far to near, and when he probed, the little milk bag was indeed in the study.

At this time, it was hanging on Baba's body, and that little figure looked very pitiful.

"Yingze, what happened to Yuanyuan?" Yu Jinxiao's voice sounded a bit fierce, as if he misunderstood that he bullied Yuanyuan.

Yu Yingze was so frightened that he quickly waved his hands: "It's not me, it's Yuanyuan...Suddenly I could hear the sparrow talking, and I ran back home. I haven't figured out what happened yet."

"Heard the sparrow?" Yu Jinxiao began to realize that something was wrong.

In the past, Yu Yuanyuan also said that she could understand Miaomiao, but only cats, and almost never said that she could understand other animals.

But last night I could understand the wolf's talk, and just now I could understand the bird's talk.

Countless strange things seem to be concentrated in the recent sudden outbreak, why is this?
Yu Jinxiao unconsciously thought of the incident of falling into the river.

That's right.

After the glowing white bubble appeared, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to hear the voices of other animals one after another.

"Baba, there are so many voices," Xiao Zaizai pressed his face against Yu Jinxiao's chest, "Yuanyuan is a little scared, woohoo."

The little cub, who is not even afraid of falling into the river or being kidnapped, seems to be chilled by this weird situation.

"Can you still hear any sound now?" Yu Jinxiao touched that little head, and suddenly remembered how she teased Dahua, using similar techniques to give her a sense of security.

Isn't she always Meow Meow herself?Miaomiao's soothing technique should be universal.

Xiao Zaizai raised Yuanyuan's paw and pointed to the window: "That bird scolded Yuanyuan on the tree, woo woo woo!"

(End of this chapter)

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