The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1488 The Dignity of the Head of the Family

Chapter 1488 The Dignity of the Head of the Family
Yu Jinxiao was wearing pajamas, holding a long bamboo pole in his hand, tapping on the branches.

His operations made it impossible for the big flowers in the yard to sleep.

As long as Yu Yuanyuan stood in the yard for a short while, Dahua had already yawned several times.

Sensing the situation behind him, Yu Jinxiao put the bamboo pole on the ground and turned his head.

Under the dim light, a small figure stood still in a daze, without making a sound.

The big eyes were warmly illuminated by the light, and the slightly frowned brows on the small face were stained with grievance and innocence.

"Baba..." Yu Zaizai choked with sobs and ran away, and fell to the ground with a puff.

She didn't cry, she got up and continued to run towards Yu Jinxiao with a clear goal, and hugged his leg with a poof.

"Why don't you sleep? Did it disturb you?" Yu Jinxiao looked up at the long bamboo pole in his hand.

This is what he found after searching for a long time.

Uncle Yang and the others were all asleep, and Yu Jinxiao didn't want other people to know about it, so he did it himself, found two bamboo poles and tied them together with a rope to lengthen them, which could just be used to drive away birds.

"No, the bird made Yuanyuan noisy just now, and she didn't fall asleep." Xiao Zaizai lay on his lap, raised his face, "Baba is helping Yuanyuan drive away the bad bird?"

"I heard that the yard is always chattering..." Yu Jinxiao glanced at the pole in his hand, and had the illusion that he was a ghost.

His style with this pole is too inconsistent.

"The birds are flying away~ Baba is going to tell me~" Xiao Zai Zai raised his claws, pinched Yu Jinxiao's trouser leg, and tugged lightly, signaling him with the strength of a cat Back to the villa.

Yu Jinxiao removed the bamboo pole and put it in a corner, then knocked on Da Hua's villa: "If there are birds tomorrow morning, you come and catch them. You eat so much cat food every day, it's time for you to do something!"

The tone of the capitalist who is the boss is fully exposed.

Da Hua, who was about to fall asleep, was woken up again, and narrowed her cat eyes impatiently to stare at Yu Jinxiao.

At that moment, Yu Jinxiao felt that he had lost the dignity of being the head of the family.

The cat doesn't seem to respect him at all!

Just when Yu Jinxiao was about to have a heart-to-heart talk with Dahua, letting him know the responsibilities of a meow, Xiao Zai Zai weakly opened his mouth.

"Dafa doesn't understand Baba's words~" the small figure squatting aside reminded.

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Forget it, I'll let you go.

Picking up the little cub who was rubbing his eyes, Yu Jinxiao patted his little body gently with his hand, already brewing sleepiness for Yu Yuanyuan with her usual method.

But from downstairs to upstairs, the little cub in his arms was already sound asleep.

Yu Jinxiao carefully put her under the quilt and tucked her in.

There were no birdsong outside the window, and the yard was quiet again.

As long as Xiao Zai Zai is asleep, it is not so easy to be woken up.

Yu Jinxiao tiptoed out of the room and set himself an early morning alarm to wake up, he would see these birds again!

His little glutinous rice balls can even live with wolves, but how many birds scolded them? ?

It's really too long-lived!

Go back to the room and lie down.

When he was drowsy, Yu Jinxiao was suddenly awakened by the things he was forced to think about.

No, I can't sleep.

What happened that night when I met the wolf is vivid in my memory.

If it was a conversation imagined by Yu Yuanyuan, the development of the matter seems too unbelievable.

Then if Yuanyuan can really understand small animals, would seeing a psychiatrist help?Maybe...should go to worship the gods?

Oh no, she said that she is Xiao Miaoxian.

(End of this chapter)

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