The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1489 Meow Meow's Abilities

Chapter 1489 Meow Meow's Abilities

All kinds of unimaginable and chaotic thoughts rushed back and forth in his mind.

Yu Jinxiao stayed up almost all night, staring at his two bell-like eyes until dawn.

Before the alarm clock rang, he heard a cat meowing in the yard outside.

Could it be that Dahua has brought a stray cat friend again?
It's time to remind Dahua, it's a very difficult time, it's best not to bring too many small animals into the yard.

Yu Jinxiao went downstairs in his pajamas. He didn't see any big flowers in the cat house, nor did he see any other stray cats.

Instead, there were bursts of meows coming from the branches, and a few fallen leaves were shaken from time to time.

Yu Jinxiao looked along the place where he fell, and found a huge hornet's nest hanging on the tree! ! !
no?The bird is gone, when did a hornet's nest come?
Didn't see it last night either!
If Yuanyuan could understand what the hornet said... would it be okay?
It was like ten thousand ducks croaking in my head.

Yu Jinxiao quickly rubbed his eyes, and then took a closer look——

Where is the hornet's nest, it is a big flower lying on the branch!

From time to time, a croaking sparrow fell from the sky, and the big flower immediately ran forward along the branch to drive it away.

Yu Jinxiao had no relationship with small animals since he was a child, and he has never raised small animals. Pets seem to be more of a trouble and burden to him.

But when he saw the big flower crawling on the branch to catch the birds, he was moved by the small but round figure.

Dahua seemed to sense someone under the tree, turned her cat's head and looked at Yu Jinxiao blankly for a few seconds.

One person and one cat looked at each other from a long distance for a moment, and Dahua wobbled down from the tree.

Yu Jinxiao subconsciously took a step back, and Dahua sensibly kept a social distance, squatting at a distance of about one meter.

I don't know why, but for a moment, Yu Jinxiao felt that he also understood what this little cat wanted to express.

"Are you helping Yu Yuanyuan drive away birds?" Yu Jinxiao pretended to be cold and asked.

Dahua: "Meow~~~"

"Can you understand me?"

Dahua: "Aww."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Does this mean you understand?

But last night Yu Yuanyuan said that Dahua couldn't understand him!
The slender body stayed in place for a long time, and finally squatted down slowly, tentatively stretching out his hand.

Dahua also hesitantly stepped forward with her claws, and slowly walked up to Yu Jinxiao, looking at him cautiously with her head raised.

The big hand was slowly lifted into the air, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he finally put his palm on Da Hua's head.

There was no resistance as expected, and no weird touch, instead it made Yu Jinxiao think of Yu Yuanyuan's head.

The same furry feel, the same cuteness.

"Meow~~" Dahua arched her head to be touched by Yu Jinxiao, as if she knew that he was her real investor.

"Mr. Yu?" Uncle Yang thought he had made a mistake when he walked to the door.

Mr. Yu is touching big flowers?
Ever since Dahua made his home in the yard, he almost never looked directly at her.

What kind of wind is blowing from southeast to northwest, and Mr. Yu is actually touching a big flower? ?

Yu Jinxiao quickly withdrew his hand, pretending to be nonchalant and looking into the distance.

Dahua also quickly licked her fur to relieve her embarrassment.

Yu Jinxiao really suspected that Dahua could understand what he was thinking.

This is Meow Meow's ability?

Just like... Yu Yuanyuan, the little meow fairy?

However, if Yu Yuanyuan is Xiao Miaoxian, then he is her father, so what is he?
Could it be a cat too? !

Oh no, Yu Yuanyuan seems to have said...he is...the Black Panther?
(End of this chapter)

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