The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1503 Not good, run away

Chapter 1503 Not good, run away

It's easy to bring my own children, but it's not so easy to deal with three children from other people's families.

Yu Jinxiao subconsciously wanted to hide, but he took a step back when he was caught by Xiao Zai Zai's eyes.

"Baba! Beiyan, Qiqi, and Zifei are here to play!" The little cub at the gate raised his paw, smiling until his eyes narrowed.

It's over!He's almost done!

Needless to say?

He saw with both eyes!
Yu Jinxiao nodded and choked out two words: "Welcome."

When some children came to the house, Aunt Chen was busy, and immediately served them fruit juice and put them on the table, and then took the time to make snacks with Sister Bei.

The children are sitting around on the carpet, like little mushrooms emerging from the ground one by one, the picture looks so cute.

"Yuanyuan, is what happened on the Internet true?" Chu Qi was not in the mood for snacks, she came here because she was worried about Yuanyuan.

"Ah, yes~" Yu Zaizai nodded, "Yuanyuan and Baba both fell into the river before."

Yu Jinxiao, who was eavesdropping at the corner behind the upstairs wall, helplessly supported his forehead.

The kid really couldn't remember the promise to keep a secret.

These days, Yu Jinxiao has asked people to delete as much as possible the videos of the scene on the Internet. The popularity has dropped drastically. He also hopes that the matter will not escalate and be played down as much as possible.

I didn't expect that Xiaotangyuan's classmate would be so worried about her, and even came to the house specially.

The one who took the lead was Gu Beiyan who was the only one who had been to Yu Yuanyuan's house.

"Ah? Then how did you come up here?" Wen Zifei crossed his arms and looked at the intact little cub in front of him in shock, "Could it be that you can swim?"

You must know that none of the little friends around here can swim.

Gu Beiyan had already shown an expression of admiration for Yu Yuanyuan, and his eyes were full of anticipation, waiting for her to complete the situation at the scene.

"Yuanyuan can't swim ducks," Xiao Zaizai clawed his head in embarrassment, "but Yuanyuan is so floating, so please help her up~"

"Wow, it should be that Yuanyuan is very light and can float to the surface." Gu Beiyan seized the opportunity and boasted that Yuanyuan is not fat at all.

Wen Zifei and Chu Qi secretly looked at each other.

Is the point here?
How a living person can breathe underwater is the most critical question!

Gu Beiyan didn't even think about this question.

"Hey hey~~" Xiao Zai Zai smirked complacently, "Yuan Yuan will take everyone to visit together!"

Of the three children, only Gu Beiyan had visited, and both Chu Qi and Wen Zifei were here for the first time.

Wen Zifei really wanted to say stop, he was not interested in visiting other people's houses.

Besides, who doesn't have a big house, and his house is also big!
I came here today to see if Yu Yuanyuan is still alive, as long as she is alive, she can talk about anything.

"Okay, okay~~" Gu Beiyan quickly got up and stood up straight, the universe number one cooperated, "I've seen it before, you haven't seen it yet."

"I don't..." Wen Zifei was about to refuse when he felt Chu Qi staring at him.

That face is cute, but when it's emotionally staring at people, it's scary.

Wen Zifei didn't want to argue with her either, so he could only hold back his words and almost choked on his saliva.

"The Jieli is the living room~" Yu Zaizai tried hard to enrich his vocabulary, and said with style, "The Jieli is the kitchen~ Jieli is the room where brother Shen Ji slept..."

After introducing the first floor one by one, Yu Yuanyuan led them to the second floor.

Yu Jinxiao who was hiding upstairs at the corner: No good, run away!
(End of this chapter)

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