The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1504 The fastest speed in my life

Chapter 1504 The fastest speed in my life
Hearing small pattering footsteps going upstairs, Yu Jinxiao quickly hid in the study.

After Yu Yuanyuan led everyone to the second floor, the first thing she did was to visit her bedroom, followed closely by Yu Mingxi, Yu Yingze, and the study room, all of whom were spared.

Wen Zifei just felt extremely bored.

Is it any fun to visit a house?It's more boring than class.

He didn't understand why even Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan seemed to be the same kind of person, standing beside Yu Yuanyuan and listening very carefully, as if she was unwilling to miss a word.

"That's right! That's Baba's study over there! It's where Baba works!"

Before anyone arrived, Xiao Zai Zai's voice had already drifted to the door of the study.

Yu Jinxiao murmured inwardly that something was wrong, shouldn't he go into the study for a visit? ?
What's so nice about the study!

Can't you go to the bedroom to play with toys and eat snacks? !

They probably wouldn't come in. Judging from the sound just now, they didn't go to Yu Yuanyuan's bedroom.

Pattering footsteps arrived outside the study, Yu Zaizai was still chattering, and Yu Jinxiao couldn't hear her conversation with her friend clearly from a little distance away.

Seeing the four small figures arrive at the door of the study.

Wen Zifei didn't intend to go in, so he stopped at the door ahead of time.

But Yu Yuanyuan seemed to love this study, she didn't stop at the door, like a little director, she waved her claws and led the children directly into the study.

Gu Beiyan, who was walking in the front, only knew how to follow, without any assertiveness. Chu Qi also listened too seriously, and walked into the study without knowing it.

Yu Jinxiao sat on a chair, like a demon king in an evil ceremony, his eyes cast down emotionlessly, looking at those little potatoes that he didn't care about.

Gu Beiyan, who was originally happy, was a little scared, the "hahaha" laughter stopped abruptly, and his body suddenly felt cold.

Wen Zifei tactfully didn't go in, just in time to secretly enjoy this embarrassing scene at the door.

The air was suddenly quiet.

Yu Zaizai, who was the link in the middle, also felt that the atmosphere was delicate, and she had to say something.

Ba Ba's eyes seemed a little fierce, which would scare her little friends.

The little friend also remained silent, could it be that he was frightened already?

The big eyes were so anxious that they were spinning in circles, and the little head turned at the fastest speed in its life, trying to find a way to ease the atmosphere.

Finally, Yu Zaizai suddenly raised his claws and pointed in Yu Jinxiao's direction: "It's Baba... oh, round Baba..."

Dead silence.

It was silent again.

"Oh, Yuanyuan seems to have introduced it, hehehe," Yu Zaizai scratched his head and smirked, "Jie... Jie is Baba's desk! Baba works in Jieli every day!"

Xiao Yuan pointed at the big table again, explaining in a manner.

"..." I don't know how to answer these words.

It was still very quiet in the study.

Chu Qi didn't talk much in the first place, Gu Beiyan tried his best to find something to say in his head, but he still couldn't save Yu Yuanyuan in time.

what's the situation?
Also introduced the hard work, right?

Yu Jinxiao had the illusion that he and the desk were unearthed cultural relics. Did this little glutinous rice ball intend to introduce everything next to each other in the study?
"Hey." Wen Zifei sighed helplessly from the door.

Looking over, Yu Jinxiao met a pair of immature eyes that "understand him".

One big and one small seem to have the same resonance at this moment.

"Yu Yuanyuan, let's look elsewhere, Uncle Yu seems to be busy." Wen Zifei kindly suggested.

At that moment, Yu Jinxiao looked at the impatient little face at the door very pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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