The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1505 Is he still a good father

Chapter 1505 Is he still a good father

"Yeah, Yuanyuan don't bother Baba~" Fortunately, Yu Zaizai reacted quickly, turned his head around immediately, raised his claws, "Let's go to visit other places with the small tour group~"

Ula Ula's little friends laughed and walked away.

Yu Jinxiao is really not good at dealing with other people's children.

After all, there are three children in the Yu family, two are obedient, sensible and smart, and one is a social bully.

Where does Yu Jinxiao need to spend more time?
Other people's children are different.

Xiao Zai Zai happily showed everyone around every room, even the warehouse where things were kept.

Finally, everyone went back to the living room and sat in a circle eating snacks and drinking juice.

"Yuanyuan, if I had been there, I would have saved you." Gu Beiyan ate a mouthful of biscuit crumbs, not forgetting to express his bravery.

"Thank you Beiyan~" Xiao Zai Zai also babbled, "Yuanyuan is amazing! You can save yourself!"

Huh, does this count as being rejected by Yuanyuan?

Thinking of how he was floating around in the air bubbles, Yu Zaizai proudly slapped the table, and Yuanyuan spread out his claws on the side of the plate: "Yuanyuan can also save Beiyan! Save Qiqi! Save Zifei!"

The eyes of Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi were touched, and Wen Zifei waved his hands in disbelief, "Don't curse me, I don't want to fall into the river!"

There was rattling laughter in the living room, and Yu Zaizai asked how they got here again.

Wen Zifei said that the driver could have sent them to the gate of the yard, but Gu Beiyan insisted on giving Yu Yuanyuan a surprise. He wanted to lead them into the villa area. He had been here before, so he would not remember it wrong.

The security uncle at the door saw how cute they were, so he greeted the person on duty and personally escorted them in.

Until noon, seeing that the children had no intention of leaving, Aunt Chen and Sister Bei specially prepared a rich lunch suitable for children.

When Yu Jinxiao came down from upstairs, for a moment, he felt that he would not die if he skipped a lunch.

However, his figure was already captured by Yu Yuanyuan.

"Puba~~ Let's have lunch!" Xiao Zai Zai waved his claws desperately at him, and several children also looked over.

At this time, it seems not very good to turn around and leave. The one who came to play was a good friend of Xiaotangyuan, so his father should show some face.

"Well, everyone, please sit down." Yu Jinxiao got up and came to the dining table, pulling away the chair he always sat on.




The four little bean dings were all trying to climb the chairs, and there was an indescribable sense of joy in the scene.

Yu Jinxiao walked forward silently, and pulled Yu Yuanyuan who was closest to him onto the chair.

Anyway, drawing one is also drawing, and drawing four is also drawing.

Yu Jinxiao went forward and lifted the other three to the chairs and sat down.

Unlike those adults who are good at communicating with children, Yu Jinxiao was quiet and silent when doing all this, without any communication, which made the atmosphere even more funny.

Sister Bei, who came over with the dishes, almost laughed out loud when she saw this scene, and managed to hold back the corners of her mouth that rose repeatedly.

After each little bean was seated, the fragrant meals were served one after another.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly received a more terrifying signal——

Should he still take care of these little potatoes for dinner?

Usually, Xiao Tangyuan can eat well by herself, and she doesn't need Yu Jinxiao to take care of her at all. Even if she takes care of her, Shen Ji and Yu Mingxi can take care of her.


A thunderbolt struck silently above his head.

He doesn't even know how to take care of the children to eat. Is this still a good father?
(End of this chapter)

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