The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1516 The video may have been cut by his dad

Chapter 1516 The video may have been cut by his dad

Several pairs of eyes focused on Yu Yuanyuan, waiting for her choice.

Xiao Zai Zai felt that a great responsibility fell on her shoulders, pinched her paws, and frowned, as if she felt that this was the only way to show her seriousness.

The glutinous rice balls are delicious, and the taro balls are also delicious~
Balls... can't be eaten, this is the first pass.

Yu Yingze sat closest to Yu Yuanyuan, he didn't know that his proposal was rejected first.

"Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan's choice is not rough!" After hesitating for almost 5 minutes, Yu Zaizai said sullenly.

Both Yu Jinxiao and Yu Mingxi thought that Yuanyuan would choose themselves, but when they heard this pitiful little tone, they suddenly realized that their expectations seemed to have brought pressure on her.

"Since it's the title of a fan, why don't we let the fans choose it?" Shen Ji suggested, "You can open a poll on Weibo, with a limited period, and the one with the highest number of votes will be the next fan title."

That's a good idea.

Since Yu Yuanyuan can't be chosen, then leave the problem to the fans themselves.

"Okay, let me vote," Yu Yingze took out his phone and started typing, "The first option is glutinous rice balls; the second option is taro balls; the third option is ball balls."

"I don't want Qiuqiu!" Xiao Zai Zai suddenly said.

The sound of milk broke Yu Yingze's little heart childishly.

She looks so cute, but why speak so cruelly! !

"Why?" Yu Yingze asked involuntarily.

Didn't you say you couldn't choose?How to eliminate only the options he listed! !
"You can't even eat the balls~" Xiao Zai Zai's thinking logic is very simple.

Yu Yingze: "..." I made a mistake, I should have taken some potato chips.

The third option was forced to be deleted, Yu Yingze released the vote, and soon someone added it to the voting data.

By the way, he edited the video of Yu Zaizai talking about eating glutinous rice balls and fans, and uploaded it to Weibo together.

A group of people in the comment area are waiting to be fed, and they are too excited.

"The second brother of the Yu family is too prolific! My sister loves you!"

"I believe it. The Yu family's children are all highly intelligent, and they can edit videos at such a young age!"

"Upstairs, you never thought that maybe his father cut this video?"

"...Stop talking, I'm a little scared."

Shen Ji packed his bag and greeted everyone politely.

Uncle Lin's car was waiting for him outside the yard, it was getting late, it was time to go home and rest.

It's not good to stay at Yu's house and disturb her.

"Bye, brother Shen Ji~~" Yu Zaizai first lay on the back of the sofa and waved his hands. As Shen Ji walked out, the angle changed, that little Douding seemed to be attracted by the radar on the other side, and kept adjusting the angle to climb up and down the sofa. Next, "Bye, brother Shen Ji~~"

The seemingly calm Shen Ji left the villa and sat in the car.

He didn't speak, just looked down at the phone in a daze.

Uncle Lin originally wanted to ask if he enjoyed watching the show tonight, but when he saw Shen Ji's serious face, he didn't dare to interrupt him.

Shen Ji, who was sitting alone in the back row, was looking at the phone screen seriously, and there were two options displayed on it——

○ Tangyuan

○ Taro balls

Uncle Lin in the front row would never have thought that the serious-looking young master was actually thinking about such a question.

This is the title of Yuanyuan's fans, and strictly speaking, he is one of them.

More and more people participate in voting, but the real-time data can only be seen after voting.

Shen Ji hesitated for a long time, and finally clicked on one of the options when the car arrived at the door, clicked on vote, and submitted.

(End of this chapter)

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