Chapter 1517 Why Fight

After hesitating for a long time between the two options, Yu Jinxiao chose "taro balls".

Because there are "Yu" and "Yuan" in it, it sounds more suitable.

The data that popped up after submission showed that those who chose "taro balls" were indeed far ahead.

Fortunately, "Qiuqiu" was not included in the options, otherwise it would definitely be worse than "Tangyuan".

Tonight, the ratings of the show exploded. Even if it was the first episode, it had already become the number one in the ratings.

Even the updated pay-on-demand rate on the video APP climbed to the top 3 overnight.

You must know that the opponents of Mengbo 1+1 are many programs that have already aired. It has just started its first episode, and it can climb to the top 3. The future is immeasurable.

As early as when it was broadcast just now, it was in prison.

There were four figures sitting in front of the long table, looking at the TV with serious eyes.

The one broadcast above is the cute explosion 1+1.

"Isn't this the brat?" one of them asked in shock.

These people were the little cubs who had kidnapped Yu Yuanyuan before, and they couldn't escape the punishment of the law in the end.

The money has not been given, the people have not escaped, and they have been depressed for a long time.

It wasn't until I saw the familiar small body on the TV just now that I felt a little emotional.

The man in the leather jacket looked at it and laughed, but he was the only one around who was laughing, so scared that he immediately covered his mouth and didn't speak.

Immediately afterwards, the flat-haired man next to him also started laughing.

He was obviously smiling, but he still blocked it with his hands, as if he thought he could cover it up for himself.

"What naive show, what are the children watching?" A burly bald man suddenly walked out from the side, picked up the remote control and changed the channel.

The four people who were watching with relish suddenly fell silent, and a uniform cold breath wafted from their bodies.

"Change the table back."

The bald head had already turned around and was about to return to his seat. He stopped and asked viciously, "What did you say?"

The eyes of the black hat warned coldly: "Change the table back!"

"What, what's so good about that program? You must be sick!" Cursing, the bald head sneered, and sat down on the chair to continue watching the program he switched.

The four people with the same breath looked at each other, and finally the crew-cut man got up and picked up the remote control to switch the station back to the cute explosion 1+1.

On that small screen, it happened to be Yu Yuanyuan's happy smiling face.

The few people who were still full of hostility had obvious gentle smiles on their faces.

The bald head was completely enraged, and he was about to grab the remote control back with his eyes wide open.

But the flat-headed man refused to let go of his life and death. They first tugged, and finally fought directly. The prison guards came and separated them.

"Why are you fighting!" the prison guard snapped.

The bald man raised his hand and complained: "They insist on watching that boring little friends show! Snake spirit!"

The prison guard turned his head and glanced at the program that was broadcasting on the TV: "It's very beautiful, very cute, what's the problem?"

The bald man: "..." He didn't dare to make a sound.

Probably he is the only normal person in this world.

Before the show was broadcast, perhaps no one could have imagined that this show would suddenly become so popular.

Even Yu Yingze gained hundreds of thousands of followers in one night.

There are more and more comments under the voting post, and it exceeds [-] before going to bed.

This overly hot situation made Yu Yingze a little overwhelmed.

Not only Yu Yingze, but even Shen Ji didn't feel sleepy after scrolling through the discussion posts on the Internet.

Yuanyuan has become popular, and more and more people like her, will someone suddenly appear in her world and take away her feelings for her?

This idea seemed to appear suddenly, and even Shen Ji was rarely aware of it before, but there was a voice in his mind that seemed to keep repeating this possibility, which made him completely insomnia tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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