The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1518 Summer Homework

Chapter 1518 Summer Homework
No sleep for one night.

When he went to Yu's house the next day, Shen Ji had two clear dark circles on his fair skin.

Even Yu Zaizai was Shen Ji's elder brother who saw Jiang Zi for the first time.

"Ah, elder brother Shen Ji has turned into a little bear!" Sitting in the study room, Yu Zaizai saw the dark circles under his eyes more clearly, "Could it be that elder brother Shen Ji is an immortal Xiong Miao?"

Shen Ji smiled and patted that little head, his chubby face trembled slightly with his hands: "It's just that I didn't sleep well last night, that's why I have dark circles, and I'll be fine tomorrow."

"If you don't sleep well, you will feel very tired~" At such a young age, Yu Yuanyuan actually had a very experienced saying, "Yuanyuan can give Brother Shen Ji a squeeze~"

"No, it's fine." Just as Shen Ji finished his refusal, the little boy who was sitting on the stool had already climbed up and stood on the chair like a little monkey.

The small body was pressed against his back, Shen Ji didn't dare to move, for fear of accidentally knocking her to the ground.

"Yuanyuan is amazing!" Yu Yuanyuan raised her little round paw, her voice not without complacency.

Anyway, he also stood up, and if she was not allowed to really pinch twice, I am afraid that Yu Yuanyuan would not be reconciled.

Shen Ji's hands lightly circled into a semicircle from behind, surrounding the safe area to protect the cub.

Before that, Yu Yuanyuan pinched Yu Jinxiao, Yu Mingxi, and Yu Yingze. Xiao Zai Zai thinks that she has rich experience. Anyone who has been pinched by her claws will feel comfortable and feel much more relaxed!
She had heard these words from her father and brothers.

The little round paw patted Shen Ji's shoulder, just looking at the position, it seemed to be quite decent, but when it was really hard——

There was Jiali's "hey, hey, hey" sound next to his ears, but the feeling of the small round claws pinching the muscles was almost nothing.

The powerless little Yuanyuan squeezed hard for a long time, and patted his belly to claim credit: "Brother Shen Ji, isn't it much better! Baba and brother both praised Yuanyuan for pinching well!"

"It's really much better, thank you Yuanyuan," Shen Ji pretended to be serious, and moved his hands and feet, "I have to continue to do my summer homework~"

"Okay~" Yu Zaizai staggered and sat back on the chair, "Yuanyuan still has a lot of time to do homework."

"Not much more," Shen Ji's voice stunned the little round ball on the chair, "There are still 2 days left, and Yuan Yuan's school is about to start."

Wait, is school starting so soon?She hasn't played enough! ! !

Ah duck, and I still have homework to finish!

Yu Zaizai was completely weathered in front of the table, staring blankly at Shen Ji, like a cute little ceramic statue.

The shock on that little face made Shen Ji realize that he seemed to have said something wrong.

"Does that mean that Yuanyuan can't sleep more in the morning and has to get up early?" Yu Zaizai, who slept late for the winter vacation, was depressed.

"But you haven't played with your classmates for a long time, and you can see everyone when school starts."

"It's also a roar~" Shen Ji's words hit Yu Zaizai's weakness.

In the end, there were only some arithmetic problems left. Arithmetic happened to be the content that Xiao Zaizai was most interested in, and it was easy for her.

Children are prone to back-to-school syndrome.

Yu Yuanyuan is no exception.

Playing too freely and having fun at home, it is inevitable that you will not be able to adapt to going back to school life for a while.

The day before the start of school, after Xiao Zaizai finished all the "homework", Shen Ji moved the bench back to make room for her: "Okay, now I need Yuanyuan to do something."

Xiao Zaizai was about to throw away the pen, and went downstairs to find out what is for dinner tonight.

Hearing elder brother Shen Ji's words, his small steps were still hanging by the chair: "Karma? What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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