The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 152 You Didn't Give A Bear, Did You?

Chapter 152 You Didn't Give A Bear, Did You?
Yu Yingze really wanted to say thank you, but his throat was choked up and he couldn't speak.

It's disgusting, it's really annoying, it makes him want to cry so much.

In front of so many friends, Yu Yingze managed to hold back his tears, but the red eyes still betrayed his emotions.

"Second Brother, Birthday... Hurry up, Hurry up..." Xiao Zaizai repeated his blessing again, wanting to set off his fireworks cannon to stir up the atmosphere.

In the end, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't pull away until his five sense organs got together, and even his speech lagged behind.

Yu Yingze held back his smile and helped her pull, the fireworks flew into the air, landing him and Yu Yuanyuan together.

"Wow..." Yu Yuanyuan happily stretched out her claws to pick it up.

Colorful little pieces of paper flying all over the sky, beautiful decorations, best friends, and... my favorite family members.

Yu Yingze has never been so satisfied like now.

Everything he wanted was simple, always overlooked, forgotten, but today it all came true.

"Yingze, happy birthday." The children began to exchange gifts.

Box after box of beautiful boxes were piled into Yu Yingze's hands, piled up to the point that their heads protruded, shaking like a big tree.

Yu Yingzeguang opened the gift for almost an hour, and there was a handwritten card from his friend inside.

Every card was carefully put away by Yu Yingze, and the gifts were specially placed in the gift area next to it.

Hearing that a gift was about to be given, Yu Yuanyuan picked up the gift she bought with the pocket money she had paid in advance, and walked forward with difficulty.

After the gift was wrapped, it was very big, almost as tall as her, and the cub's not-so-long paws struggled to surround the box, barely able to hug it.

But he didn't take two steps, his left foot mixed with his right foot, and the little boy fell to the ground with an "ahhh".

Even after a fall, she still held the gift box tightly, not wanting it to be damaged.

"Yuanyuan!" Yu Mingxi hurried up to hug her up, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Xiao Zaizai didn't even turn red, and walked towards Yu Yingze with a smile, "Second brother, happy birthday, this is Yuanyuan...Yuzi's birthday present!"

Yu Jinxiao next to him couldn't listen anymore: "It's an advance payment, not fish roe, so I just know how to eat it."

After Yu Yingze took it, he quickly opened it, and found that inside was the new Transformers he had always wanted but never bought.

"How do you know I like this!!" Unable to conceal the surprise, Yu Yingze finally had the joy and happiness of a child.

He held the transparent outer box and looked over and over again, as if he couldn't believe it, and even looked up at his father.

"It was chosen by Yuanyuan, she said you must like this."

"Wow, Yuanyuan, you are so amazing." Yu Yingze embraced the little boy with red eyes, and kissed her on the top of her head twice.

"Hey." The second brother was happy, and the little one was also happy, rubbing his little head and smiling like a little penguin.

Yu Mingxi had already prepared a gift, which was a new football.

But it was not an ordinary football, with the autographs of Yu Yingze's favorite football stars on it.

Yu Yingze was about to faint from happiness, and even forgot that his father's gift hadn't been played yet.

When the servant appeared pushing a huge box, Yu Yingze suddenly calmed down, and Fox asked, "Dad, you gave me a bear, didn't you?"

When the other children heard this, they hurried away from the box in fright.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the packaging of the big box with self-doubt——

Normal colors and normal patterns, why did my son think of bears? ? ?
Is this his style in his son's heart?
"Of course not, take it apart and have a look." Yu Jinxiao pressed Yu Yingze's shoulder, and brought his son with suspicious eyes to the box.

Uncle Yang pulled the ribbon tied on top, and the box spread out from all sides. Yu Yingze stared at the contents of the box and held his breath excitedly.

 Babies~Dragon Boat Festival~~\(≥▽≤)/~
(End of this chapter)

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