The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 153 Will not change any plans for him

Chapter 153 Will not change any plans for him

"Father, how do you know..." Yu Yingze was so excited that he jumped up, hugged Yu Jinxiao and kissed him twice.

This kiss made Yu Jinxiao a little confused.

He has never felt the enthusiasm of his son, let alone this kind of treatment, and everything is so beautiful that he is a little dizzy.

Yu Yuanyuan stood quietly by the side without taking credit, her big shiny black eyes seemed happier than anyone else.

Glancing at Xiao Zai Zai from the corner of the eye, Yu Jinxiao squatted down and put his palms lightly on his son's shoulders.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't calmed down and got along with his family.

He didn't even have a good understanding of his son's preferences.

I spend all my time at work, and it seems that I can only numb myself from thinking about those past events by relying on busy work.

But at that moment just now, Yu Jinxiao suddenly regretted it.

When he avoided the past, it seemed that he also avoided getting along with his two sons, and missed too many important moments.

"Actually, Yuanyuan chose this bicycle." Yu Jinxiao looked into his son's eyes seriously, "She said she saw you flipping through a magazine last night, and there was this bicycle in the magazine."

Yu Yingze was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at Xiao Zai Zai.

"Dad seldom accompanied you before, but Dad assures you that from today on, he will go home as early as possible and spend more time with you and brother." Yu Jinxiao, who doesn't like to show his emotions, suddenly wanted to say this, he He also said it without hesitation.

There seems to be no shame in expressing affection to one's own children.

Even that little Yu Yuanyuan would express his likes and dislikes without hesitation, how could he be inferior to a three-year-old child.

"Baba, you forgot about Yuanyuan!" The little cub who didn't hear him rushed forward angrily, hugging Yu Yingze and his father with his little paws.

"How could I forget you," Yu Jinxiao pinched her nose, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, "Anyway, no matter where you go to play, you must be there."


The birthday party has officially begun.

The happy birthday song played in the house, and the children clapped their hands and sang together, ate desserts and even played games.

Yu Jinxiao sat on the sofa beside him, staring at the group of noisy children without feeling irritable.

He likes to be quiet and keep everything simple, but he doesn't dislike the excitement and joy of today's birthday party at all.

When a person has been entangled in a certain environment for too long, it is not a bad idea to try another life.

The crisp text message sound is sandwiched in the noise of laughing and joking, which is not very obvious.

But when it sounded, it seemed to be magnified a hundred times, and Yu Yingze could hear it clearly.

He who was still playing happily stopped, and instinctively looked at the sofa where his father was.

He is looking at his phone.

Look at your phone for more than a minute.

According to the past situation, Dad should get up within five minutes and tell him in a guilty tone that he has to go to the company and has something important to do.

Even if he is unhappy and loses his temper every time, Dad will not change any plans for him.

Gradually, Yu Yingze has gotten used to this kind of discrepancy.

"Baba, why are you looking at your phone again?" Xiao Zaizai ran over at some point, and turned his head to the screen, "It's time to get off work, I have to rest after get off work, otherwise...or I will die of exhaustion."

Yu Jinxiao wanted to laugh, did this little boy care about him?

There was indeed something on the phone, but after hearing Yu Yuanyuan's words, he suddenly realized that his old problem was repeated, so he quickly put the phone away.

Not far away, a strong gaze stopped on him.

As soon as Yu Jinxiao raised his head, he met Yu Yingze's face without a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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