The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1524 The Fierce Little Face

Chapter 1524 The Fierce Little Face
"Do you remember where this is?" Teacher Su asked with a smile.

Some children took the initiative to answer: "Classroom."

"School classroom!"

Teacher Su nodded with satisfaction: "Shouldn't schools be learning?"


"Yuanyuan is also a member of the school. She comes here to study, just like everyone else." Teacher Su touched the two most curious children beside her, "It's good for children to have curiosity, but it shouldn't Asking too much about other people's affairs."

"Why?" The little boy tilted his head puzzled.

Upon hearing this, Teacher Su smiled and scratched his nose: "Then how much poop did you poop in the toilet this morning, Xiaoxuan?"

"Ah!" Xiaoxuan blushed in embarrassment.

"Yuanyuan's participation in the program can be a starlet or a school student," Teacher Su gently swept over those cute faces, "If everyone gathers around Yuanyuan and asks too many questions, Yuanyuan will have a hard time. "

"I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, I seem to have asked the most questions just now." The little boy lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Yuanyuan, I asked too."

Everyone understood Teacher Su's intentions, and each of them suppressed the curiosity in their hearts, and stopped chasing Xiao Zai Zai to ask things.

"No matter what Yuanyuan's life is like outside of school, she is a classmate of everyone at school, and classmates should..." Teacher Su paused intentionally, and gestured to the children with her eyes to add follow-up words.

"We should help each other and take care of each other!"

"That's right, shouldn't everyone bother Yuanyuan too much?" Teacher Su asked again.

The children replied loudly: "No!"

"Wow, everyone is great, shall we start class now?" Teacher Su clapped his hands and walked forward, "Have you finished your summer homework well?"

The suffocating feeling of being wrapped around disappeared, and Xiao Zaizai was able to concentrate on continuing the class again.

For her, she just filmed a show, but she didn't expect that the show would bring changes to her life.

That kind of change made her uncomfortable, and she would even be at a loss.

But fortunately, Teacher Su guided the children correctly, and everyone stopped asking curious Yuanyuan about the filming of the show, and everyone got along again as before.

There was excitement at school, and the little cub who was still moaning in the morning and didn't want to get up, soon had fun again.

When get out of class was over, Yu Yuanyuan pulled Gu Beiyan and they were like a bunch of small grapes, sitting outside and playing with small stones.

Regarding Yu Yuanyuan's filming of the show, her three good friends didn't seem to be very curious.

Chu Qi is not interested in the entertainment industry, and Gu Beiyan's family is rich, so he can meet any celebrity he wants, so he doesn't think it's too strange.

Wen Zifei was a little bit curious, but he couldn't ask, because if he asked, it would look like he had lost. He had to make himself look like he didn't care about everything!
The four children squatted down, the size of the stone they picked up, and a shadow suddenly fell from a high place.

Yu Yuanyuan raised her head and sat down on the ground in fright.

A vicious little face appeared in sight, and the opponent was taller than the four of them.

Yu Yuanyuan felt that he looked familiar, after thinking about it for a while, she finally remembered——


It was the middle class boy who had fought with her before!

" want to fuck!" Xiao Zai Zai asked tremblingly, his eyes were nervous and frightened.

Before she scratched his face, the little boy cried so much that it was miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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