The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1525 Write it backwards from bottom to top

Chapter 1525 Write it backwards from bottom to top
"What do you want to do! Do you want to fight?" Gu Beiyan stood up suddenly, keeping Yu Yuanyuan and Chu Qi behind.

Wen Zifei, who was standing outside, rolled his eyes, and silently moved a little behind Gu Beiyan.

He didn't want to participate in fights or anything, because his clothes would get dirty, he would be ugly and embarrassing, and he would be scolded by the teacher.

"!" The little boy waved his hands nervously, and took out a neatly stacked piece of white paper and a short crayon from his pocket, "I ask Yuanyuan...if I can sign .”

Changing from his expressionless expression just now, the little boy was holding something in one hand, his cheeks flushed.

So it's not fighting ducks?
It's better not to fight!

Xiao Zaizai got up from the ground and looked at the pen he brought: "But, Yuanyuan is not very good at writing her own name, so she can only draw."

"Drawing is fine, painting is fine too!" The little boy nodded excitedly, "I watched the show last night, it was very good! have to work hard!"

"Okay, add!" Before he realized that he was being chased by a star, Xiao Zai Zai nodded his head and replied seriously.

Seeing that they didn't come to fight, Gu Beiyan folded his hands and moved away a little: "After signing the signature, you can't bother Yuanyuan anymore!"

"Okay, okay, definitely not." The little boy seemed to only nod his head, and the frequency of his head was raised.

Yu Yuanyuan took the paper, carefully found a flower bed and laid it on the edge, holding a crayon in a dignified manner and began to brew.

She...hasn't written her own name for a long time!
How can I write it?

At this moment, in Yu Zaizai's mind, only the xyue BOO that he wrote before emerged.

Now she knows that this is the wrong answer, so of course she can't "sign" casually.

Seeing the little boy staring at the paper in a daze for a long time, the little boy asked cautiously and obsequiously: "Yuanyuan, what's the matter? Is this pen not easy to use?"

All the little friends who can't write very well completely forgot another possibility - Yu Yuanyuan couldn't remember how to write her own name.

"Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan can't remember how to write the name!" Xiao Zaizai raised his head, his face was astonished and confused.

It would be great if brother Shen Ji was in Jieli, and he could tell her how to write.

Chu Qi was silent for a few seconds, and just as Wen Zifei was about to explode, a gentle and patient voice floated among them: "Yuanyuan, you have a famous tag on your heart, you can write it on it."

"Ow~ Yes~" Xiao Zaizai suddenly realized, "Qiqi, you are so smart!"

Wen Zifei suppressed the temper that was just about to explode, and almost swelled into a puffer fish.

Is there any need to praise smartness in this kind of thing? ? ?
"Wow, Qiqi, you're amazing!" Gu Beiyan followed suit foolishly.

Yu Yuanyuan has already pulled up her clothes, and started to draw according to the name tag...

Everything is orderly and quiet.

But looking at it, Wen Zifei found that Yu Yuanyuan's writing was a bit strange.

She actually wrote it backwards from the bottom up!
What kind of novel way of writing is this? ?
Wen Zifei suddenly doubted himself, thinking that this was Yu Yuanyuan's special ability, but soon he found a reasonable excuse——

How could Yu Yuanyuan have such a high IQ?
She must be looking at the name tag backwards, writing while writing, not writing, but really drawing!

Although the words were written backwards, she actually wrote them all stroke by stroke...the drawing is correct!

"Okay!" Xiao Zai Zai handed the paper back, "Yuan Yuan is done!"

The little boy stretched out his hands excitedly, and held them carefully as if receiving an imperial decree.

(End of this chapter)

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