Chapter 1530
It took less than half an hour to enjoy the sense of achievement of the old father in educating the children. At this moment, he fell to pieces in front of the little glutinous rice balls.

Yu Jinxiao put the cake on the table in the living room expressionlessly, folded his arms, and walked to the corner next to him with a deep breath.

No, he has to calm down, or he will have a heart attack.

The little cub rustled unwrapping the cake, cautiously and urgently, as if unwrapping a very precious gift.

The busy little figure's movements slowly lowered the frequency, and finally stopped completely, turning his head weakly and peeking at Yu Jinxiao's direction.

Reading Air Cubs smells something wrong with the atmosphere!

"Baba, you eat together too~" Xiao Zai Zai stepped forward and grabbed his trouser leg.

Seeing that the snack food was distracted to talk to him, Yu Jinxiao's heart was forced back together: "I won't eat it, you eat it yourself."

This blunt and a bit fierce tone makes you very angry when you hear it!

Ah duck!

Why is Baba angry?

Yu Zaizai tried hard to turn his little head, buzzing, buzzing, unable to think of a reason.

"Baba, are you angry?" Xiao Tangyuan closed her chin, looked down from Yu Jinxiao's height, and could see a little nervousness in those eyes.


"But, Yuanyuan thinks yes!" The poor little figure lowered his head and thought for a while, then staggered back to the cake, stretched out his little hand reluctantly and pushed, "Does Baba not want Yuanyuan to eat it?" Cake? Yuanyuan won't eat it anymore, don't get angry with Baba, okay?"

The little voice was so wronged and pitiful, even if there was a big grievance, it was blown away by this cuteness.

Yu Jinxiao squatted down halfway, stretched out his hand to make a shallow gesture, Yu Yuanyuan ran back and stood still obediently.

"Yuanyuan, I'm not mad at you for eating the cake. Since I bought it for you, of course you are allowed to eat it." The big hand gently squeezed the round little face, and the voice was adjusted to the softest frequency, " But Dad wants you to remember what he said before buying the cake."

"Yuanyuan...remember!" Xiao Zai Zai paused for two seconds, as if he was really thinking.

Yu Jinxiao didn't force her to repeat, in order to make her father happy, Xiao Tangyuan began to babble by herself.

"Baba said to be like a cake and not to care about other people's eyes! Isn't that right!"

"Isn't this a good memory?" Yu Jinxiao relaxed, "Just now, did you talk nonsense again?"

"Yeah, Yuanyuan didn't do it on purpose, she just wanted to... want to eat cake and said wrong!" Xiao Zaizai shook his hands, "I remember what Baba said about Yuanyuan!"

Yu Jinxiao felt at ease.

He never imagined that he would be so easily coaxed into submission by the little glutinous rice balls.

"Okay, let's go eat cake." Yu Jinxiao patted his head lightly, planning to go to the study to check the email first.

Before he could move in a hurry, his trouser legs were caught again.

"Let's eat together~"

"No, I won't eat." Yu Jinxiao has never been interested in sweets.

"Eat, eat, eat~" Xiao Naiyin turned and danced beside his legs.

Yu Jinxiao had nothing to do with her, and was dragged back to the sofa by the little dumpling.

The small body opened the cake, raised the fork and subconsciously handed it in Yu Jinxiao's direction: "Pu Ba, eat first~"

Yu Jinxiao was about to follow the trend, when Yu Yuanyuan seemed to suddenly recall some terrible past events, Xiaoyuan shrank her hands, and said falteringly: "It's better... Yuanyuan, let's eat!"

The sugar painting I bought in the park before was eaten in one bite, leaving only a cat's butt!

This incident has been deeply imprinted in Xiao Zai Zai's memory.

(End of this chapter)

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