The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1531 Filming will be dangerous

Chapter 1531 Filming will be dangerous
Yu Jinxiao was really not interested this time, if he didn't want her to eat it, he wouldn't buy it at all.

But the little glutinous rice balls still stubbornly dug out a piece of cake with a small spoon, and tried to lift it up: "Ah——"

Even though she had tried her best to lift it up, Yu Jinxiao still had to bend over to eat at this height.

The cake is very small, and once it enters the mouth, it spreads a sweet and soft taste, and it melts quickly.

Yu Yuanyuan's unsteady little claws can only dig out a piece of cake the size of a fingernail every time.

"I won't eat, it's all yours, you should eat more," Yu Jinxiao said calmly, but suddenly he grabbed Xiao Zai Zai's heart, "You will go to the desert to film a movie the day after tomorrow. gone."

"Karma?!" Yu Zaizai moved stiffly.

the day after tomorrow?

The day after tomorrow seems to be... tomorrow's tomorrow!


The sudden situation made Yu Yuanyuan stunned, her face full of regret and unwillingness.

After going to that place, it seems that there is no way to eat so many snacks. If I knew that I had asked Ba Ba to buy a bigger cake, she could eat a few more bites before leaving, huh.

"Regret?" Yu Jinxiao saw the depression flowing from that little figure.

"I don't regret it," Yu Zaizai replied sullenly, his little mouth was stuffed round with the cake, "Yuanyuan must eat seriously, eat slowly, and remember the taste! Otherwise, you won't be able to eat it for many days!"

It's only seven days, why is she saying that it's like she won't be able to eat it for seven years.

When Shen Ji finished school at Yu's house, he saw Xiao Zai Zai sitting on a small bench eating cake, and Yu Jinxiao propped his head up and watched lazily by the side.

what's the situation?
Mr. Yu actually allowed Yuanyuan to eat the cake?
Probably seeing the surprise in Shen Ji's eyes, Yu Jinxiao took the initiative to explain: "Yuanyuan will join the film crew the day after tomorrow, let her eat something she likes."

How strange this sounds.

It seemed like a little piggy about to be slaughtered was eating its last delicious dinner.

Shen Ji remained calm on the surface, but something hit his heart hard suddenly, making his breathing disordered for a few seconds unconsciously.

It's been a week since Yuanyuan joined the crew, and he won't see her for a long time.

Seeing Shen Ji coming, Xiao Zaizai shared his cake with Shen Ji again.

Shen Ji rejected it several times, but Xiao Zai Zai still chased after him with a spoon, until he took a mouthful, and Yu Yuanyuan was not satisfied.

After eating the cake, he was about to go upstairs to tutoring. Seeing the backs of the two going upstairs, Yu Jinxiao felt that the existence of Shen Ji was more and more necessary.

Although there are not many things to learn in kindergarten, the teacher can teach some content more or less, which requires Shen Ji to give her tutoring afterwards.

On the study side, Yu Jinxiao has already contacted the school, and will send him all the teaching content that will be involved in the next week, and then Shen Ji will have to work hard to help Xiaotangyuan with her "homework".

"Yuanyuan, you have to pay attention to safety when you enter the production team the day after tomorrow, you know?" Shen Ji was most worried about her safety.

I heard that Mr. Yu will not guard her in the crew, and there are so many people in the crew. Before that, he accompanied Xiao Zai Zai to record the show, and Shen Ji couldn't help but worry about the sense of busyness and occasional disorder.

"Karma?" Xiao Zaizai just picked up the pen, and was startled for a moment, " it dangerous to film?"

Only then did Shen Ji realize that his words had frightened her, and raised his hand to touch his little head: "As long as you are going out, Yuanyuan should pay attention to safety, even if you are at home, there may be dangers belonging to your home."

"Karma? Really!" Yu Zaizai's eyes widened in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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