The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1535 What do you think is funny

Chapter 1535 What do you think is funny
Any father's heart will soften when he hears such words from his daughter.

Not to mention Yu Jinxiao.

He frowned, emotions that he had tried so hard not to realize these days poured out at this moment.

Put the little cub on the bed, cover the quilt, his tall body sat on the edge of the bed, and gently patted the little guy like a silkworm chrysalis with the palm of his hand.

"Then I'll sit here and watch it for you until you fall asleep." Yu Jinxiao's voice was calm and magnetic, and it sounded more reassuring after removing his usual seriousness and indifference to outsiders.

Yu Yuanyuan moved her brain and found a comfortable position on the pillow: "Hey, okay~ Can Baba tell Yuanyuan a story?"

"What story do you want to hear?" Yu Jinxiao reached for the storybook beside the bed.

Unexpectedly, that little Douding didn't even look at it, and laughed happily: "Yuanyuan wanted to hear it and never heard it before!"

Never heard of it?

There are many stories that children can listen to, but the story books at home have been told several times, and she has heard almost every one of them.

Yu Jinxiao turned on his phone, ready to search for a story that Xiao Zai Zai had never heard of on the Internet.

"Will Yuanyuan tell Baba a story?" the lying little Tangyuan suddenly suggested.

Is there such a good thing?

Every time Yu Jinxiao tells a story, he can't be full of emotion and voice, like a mechanical voice in the reading system, he can only read out the content of the story.

It was no different from the group of vice presidents who read the documents every time he held a meeting.

Didn't expect this little glutinous rice ball to propose her to tell a story?
However, what she said made her unable to fall asleep for a long time?

As a strict father, Yu Jinxiao should have refused.

But in the face of such a lovely soft ball, and then said such heartwarming words, even a hard-hearted person would be shaken by it.

If I can't see this little glutinous rice ball for a week, there will definitely be a lot less laughter at home.

It's not just Xiao Zai Zai who can't bear it, Yu Jinxiao is the same.

"What story do you want to tell?" Yu Jinxiao didn't object, but he was still proficient in putting his hands to sleep.

He patted his small body, quietly waiting for the little cub to tell a story.

"Cute little friend, this is the first time I sleep alone~" Yu Yuanyuan said in a childish voice.

Yu Jinxiao felt that the beginning of this story was a bit... informal, it was really a story, wasn't it about an experience that he heard?

"Ma Ma was worried, so she quietly went into the room at night to have a look."

"But after entering the room, there was no silver on the bed! Her baby was gone!" Speaking of this, Yu Yuanyuan still emphasized her tone in a decent manner.

If it weren't for the voice of a little milk who told the story, Yu Jinxiao already had the sense of hearing a ghost story.

"Ma Ma was very worried. She searched in the toilet and the cabinet, but she couldn't find it!" Yu Zaizai's tone was full of mystery, "Later, Ma Ma wanted to look under the bed and found the child Sure enough, hiding below."

"Mama asked Haiji why he hid under the bed and stayed awake, and Haiji said, Mama, there is a silver coin exactly like mine on the bed! Quack quack..." After Yu Yuanyuan finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing, and said As for what Yu Jinxiao thought was wrong with his head.

Is this a joke?Obviously not!

Even he, who doesn't surf the Internet very much, can tell this is a horror story.

"Ma Ma looked up and saw that there was an identical child on the bed!"

"Who told you this story?" Yu Jinxiao cast down his eyes.

"It's right and wrong, Yuanyuan thought it was funny after he finished speaking, quack quack~" Yu Zaizai kept laughing.

"What do you think is funny?" Yu Jinxiao crossed his arms, his brows slightly frowned, and began to suspect that his channel link to Xiaotangyuan had a major malfunction.

(End of this chapter)

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