The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1536 This dream... is really scary!

Chapter 1536 This dream... is really scary!

"Ah," Xiao Zaizai asked weakly when he saw Baba's slightly serious expression, "Aren't the twins the same as Jiang Zi?"

She thought of Mo Yunqing and Brother Mo Yunlan, one was hiding under the bed, the other was lying on the bed, wouldn't it be the same as in the story!
Yu Jinxiao looked at the ball silently, not knowing whether to praise her for being optimistic or simple-minded.

Fortunately, she didn't understand the scary point in the story, so she automatically made up a reasonable version.

"Baba Baba, Yuanyuan will tell you another story~" Yu Zaizai became more sober, and slapped his claws under the quilt, "Yuanyuan thought of another story!"

Yu Jinxiao patted the little claw that was moving around under the quilt: "It's getting late."

"But Yuanyuan can't sleep~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other for a moment, but Yu Jinxiao's tone was softened by those big eyes.

"Let's go on, the last one."

"Okay~" Xiao Zai Zai immediately started happily when he heard this, "In a very beautiful forest, there lived three black leopards and two meows, one leopard was much bigger, and the two A leopard is smaller, a cat is much bigger, a cat is smaller..."

Yu Jinxiao just finished listening to this passage, and suddenly his eyelids became heavy, as if he had been hypnotized.

"They are a bank and live in a very big forest~"

"One day, the big black panther caught a small fish and gave it to the smaller black panther~"

"Ha..." Yu Yuanyuan himself yawned big. Because of the angle, Yu Jinxiao's eyes were already half-closed, so Xiao Zai Zai didn't notice.

"The big black leopard is... ho... ho..." Before he could finish speaking in a hurry, Yu Zaizai couldn't resist being swept into sleep under the heavy drowsiness.

Yu Jinxiao leaned against the head of the bed and fell asleep in a daze.

This story is too hypnotic, and coupled with the milky, rhythmic little voice, it quickly hooked out all the exhaustion in the body.

Those feelings seemed to take human form, patting Yu Jinxiao's head to let him go to sleep.

Even though he fell asleep in an uncomfortable position, Yu Jinxiao was dreaming.

In the dream, he was in a piece of yellow sand, surrounded by a large group of people pointing at the ground.

He stepped forward, pushed aside the crowd, and saw the little cub lying there.

The round little face is sunken, it looks like it has been starved for a long time, and the whole cub is so thin that it doesn't look like a ball.

"Yuanyuan!" Yu Jinxiao quickly hugged that small body into his arms, but the weight was about the same as a coat.

"Baba, Yuanyuan is hungry, woo woo woo."

The poor little body groaned the last "last words", and it was completely washed away with a jerk of its head.

"Yuanyuan!" No matter how Yu Jinxiao shook it, that small body remained silent.

Yu Jinxiao woke up from the dream with a low cry. When he saw the room in front of him, he still couldn't recover for a long time, not sure if he was in a dream or reality.

It wasn't until Xiao Zai Zai next to his ear suddenly let out a series of piggies that he was sure that he was in reality. Xiao Tang Yuan, who starved to death in his dream, was now sleeping soundly on the bed.

This dream... is really scary!

Yu Jinxiao, a person who seldom feels "scared", was sweating profusely at this moment.

He glanced at Xiao Zaizai who was sleeping comfortably, picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the room, and when he entered the study, he immediately called back the call just now.

(End of this chapter)

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